This is the Message Centre for Eagle Eye

Thank you

Post 1


Good evening !

Just to say thank you for the snooker quiz; I enjoyed it very much.

Very much asmiley - biggrinppreciate all your hard work

Thank you

Post 2

Eagle Eye

Well thank you for your kind words, Chips.

Are you playing the new quiz? - h2g2 smileys - there's still some left if you hurry!

I'm taking a break after this quiz - it is a fair amount of work as you say, and I need some new ideas (let me know if you have any!).

I will be back though with another series when I've got a few more quizzes sorted out. I'm also thinking about quicker ways to compile them.

smiley - cheers Icy

Thank you

Post 3


Yes my sentiments exactly..a big round of smiley - applause for the quizmaster as I'm sure we all know he deserves it!smiley - ok

I have had many hours of pleasure and frustration contributing to your wonderful game.I sincerely hope for our sakes you do find the time once again to feed us all with more Eagle Eye challenges in the futuresmiley - ta
Thankyou Icy NorthEagle Eye..smiley - smiley
smiley - artist

Thank you

Post 4


Can't think of a lot of subjects:

lines from films
Derby etc winner
sports personalities

smiley - erm sorry, nothing original comes to mind.

Mental note to self to get cracking on the Smiley quiz

Thank you

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - boing
And yet another visitor in this thread smiley - biggrin

chips, I'm afraid you are too late for the smiley challenge, it was my day off today, and I did my best to find the remaining smileys smiley - laugh
Icy, I can only second what chips and Arty already said: thanks for the wonderful game. smiley - hug


smiley - somersault

Thank you

Post 6


Bel !!

Oh well, first come first served smiley - cool

Thank you

Post 7

aka Bel - A87832164

Not guilty this time - I only solved what the others left last night smiley - laugh

Thank you

Post 8


Oh, they are tinkers aren't they smiley - biggrin

Thank you

Post 9

aka Bel - A87832164

Could you explain that, please ?

Thank you

Post 10


smiley - somersault

Mischievious (?) naughty, impish children. Yes, that sums it upsmiley - laugh

Thank you

Post 11

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - ta - that makes sense,whereas the translation didn't smiley - winkeye

Thank you

Post 12


smiley - biggrin No problem !

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