This is the Message Centre for Iguana

welcome Orienteering Man..

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I noticed you were new here, so I thought I'd drop by and introduce myself!smiley - ok
My name is Galaxy Babe, and I like to meet and greet new Researchers to the Guide.
You have certainly come to the right place to be entertained!smiley - magic
If you'd like to click here: I have made a page of interesting links which you might enjoy browsing through.
Let me know what you think, please?
If you have any questions or queries, just click the reply button and I'll be back!
See you around!
Galaxy Babesmiley - flyhi

p.s. I used to go Orienteering, many moons ago! Great fun, and a good way to keep fit, also...

welcome Orienteering Man..

Post 2


smiley - biggrin

Galaxy Babe,

Thank you for the warm welcome! I already feel at home here. You wouldn't believe how much I've used from h2g2 since yesterday! (I even started learning a new language since then). I think I will be using this site as a home base quite a lot. I plan to write a lengthy article on orienteering in the next week or so, so watch for it. Anyway, thanks again!

O man

welcome Orienteering Man..

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello again, O man!
What language are you learning?
I've learned the Guide ML *language* since I've been here, and also Bubblish, to talk to the cute fish!smiley - biggrin
I can't wait to read your entry on Orienteering!
Let me know when it's finished, please?
If I can help you with any other info about h2g2, don't hesitate to ask...
~Galaxy Babe~smiley - flyhi

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