This is the Message Centre for Floh Fortuneswell

BOO! itssss donnie lol

Post 1

Researcher U541071

hiya, just thought i would drop by and say a big hello because i didnt get the chance to talk in the other thread, anyway i'll wish you a merry exmas and hope your day goes well, chat soon smiley - biggrin

BOO! itssss donnie lol

Post 2

Floh Fortuneswell

Hey Donnie, what a nice surprise.
Merry Christmas to you, too smiley - gift

BOO! itssss donnie lol

Post 3

Researcher U541071

hey there, me againsmiley - biggrin hope you had a good xmas, my day was great,anyway i best smiley - run now so catch you again soonsmiley - smiley

BOO! itssss donnie lol

Post 4

Floh Fortuneswell

Mine was absolutely relaxed smiley - smiley

BOO! itssss donnie lol

Post 5

Researcher U541071

i take it you have no kids thensmiley - huh wish mine was relaxing, i spend most of the day fitting things together fitting batteries and the like smiley - laugh

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