This is the Message Centre for Floh Fortuneswell


Post 1


Yea but you seem 2 poke your nose in were ever i go dont you,just like you did b4,and last night,and i find that very strange indeed.


Post 2

Floh Fortuneswell

*sigh* Why did you unsubscribe from this thread?
What do you want to achieve with this behaviour?


Post 3


not achieveing anything,just stated a fact,and dont call it annoyance,more like round the other way,so why did you jump in so quick the other night then must prove that you follow me around,and 2 be honest i dont care if you are a ace,as it seems some aces have their favoutite peole on here.
Im still going 2 maintain there are people on here who have more than 1 name,and i do know how h2g2 works and 4 your information ive se stopped chatting 2 Rachael on here,as im think there is something fishy going on.


Post 4

Floh Fortuneswell

I call it annoyance. That's how I feel.


Post 5


Oh do you now,well i find it very strange that donnie told rachael 2 send him a private message if she wanted 2 know his age and now they talk in private,and dont 4 get that i have had e-mails warning me not 2 talk 2 rachaei,and i done a check on donnie and he has chatted 2 nats+hilary in the past.
i found it strangw that a guy wants 2 chat 2 such a yong girl in private,wouldnt you agree with me on that,makes me wonder if he has something 2 hide,is he ashamed off people knowing his age,and what he says 2 her,why tak 2 such a young girl in private.


Post 6

Floh Fortuneswell

I've read all those convos. You don't have to remind me of anything.
I'll let the moderators handle this and am going to unsubscribe now.


Post 7


ok bye take care

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