This is the Message Centre for Floh Fortuneswell

Greetings Floh...

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'm a bit confused at the moment - do you know if Dax U185079 and St Dax U172473 is one and the same person - or two different persons?smiley - huh

Greetings Floh...

Post 2

Floh Fortuneswell

Different as far as I know smiley - smiley

Greetings Floh...

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thanks! smiley - smiley

*hoping that St Dax will forgive the mistake in identity*smiley - blush

Greetings Floh...

Post 4



Greetings Floh...

Post 5

Floh Fortuneswell

Hi smiley - biggrin

Greetings Floh...

Post 6


Its been a while hasn`t it?
smiley - biggrin
How are you?

Greetings Floh...

Post 7

Floh Fortuneswell

Fine smiley - smiley

Greetings Floh...

Post 8


smiley - cool

Greetings Floh...

Post 9

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi Floh - hi Cybercat!smiley - smiley

I'd like you to check the GuideML tags in this entry for me...smiley - silly


...and hopefully spread the word, but discreetly...

Greetings Floh...

Post 10


Ok will do
smiley - ok

Greetings Floh...

Post 11

Floh Fortuneswell

Too late. As always...
smiley - footprints

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