This is the Message Centre for m.korsakov

Hello and Welcome!

Post 1


Hi... and welcome to h2g2!
I hope that you can understand this message... I will try to find someone to visit you who speaks your lamguage but, in the meantime, here goes smiley - smiley
I am one of the ACES... the meeters and greeters here on site, who are here to help you!!
Please drop over and visit our homepage at:
Contained within you will find all sorts of help and useful links. How to *prettify* your page using the coding, how to interact with fellow researchers,some fun/intersting fora to visit, how to use your journal and how to write and submit entries for the Guide smiley - smiley
If you need help, just select an ACE from the handy list provided... a good idea is to click on the *Who’s Online* link so that you know who is about! Alternatively, you can just click on my name at the top of this posting and be magicallt transported to my homepage!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

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Hello and Welcome!

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