This is the Message Centre for Mouse

Welcome New person

Post 1


I think I agree with you about junk mail. It's easier to get rid of spam too. But anyway I haven't said hello. I'm Vestboy, part time superhero and Aitchtu Jeetu ACE. Which sounds more impressive than it is.

Welcome to our humble abode and partake of everything herein.

If you want to know who is online at the same time as you are (At this very moment we are both online together and that's why I'm here)
You can click on the Who's online link at the foot of the welcome page.

Oh, have a fish smiley - fish!

Welcome New person

Post 2


Wow, hi. I didn't expect anyone to actually read that! that's what I get for mumbling in public. Sorry I missed your visit in real-time - I was helping my boss politely tell our sysadmin to piss off. These things can be very touchy, you know.

glad I'm here. ttyl - terri Researcher 123374

Welcome New person

Post 3


Hi Terri,

I'm having a midnight surf and saw you had replied.
"These things can be very touchy" Situations or Sysadmins?

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