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How do you solve a problem like h2g2?
LL Waz Started conversation Nov 25, 2011
Link the yikes button to the improbability drive …
Does that count as today’s journal? I don’t know. Today was good, spent most of it calculating what it would cost to wind up the business (the one I work for) in the event of a disaster. £5m would cover it. Winding up is not on the cards but it’s a sensible figure to know when reviewing charity reserves. The current economics have changed all the assumptions made previously about worst case scenarios and the amount needed to tide services over until a recovery plan starts to work. Winding up is not actually the worst cost case.
At 4.30, I cleared my desk, locked the cabinets, put my sandwich box away in the safe and chucked the key tin into my bag.
Got home to the news that Cueball had managed to reach the top of the four foot high gate into the chicken run and had stood to have a slanging match with the chicken neighbours.
How do you solve a problem like h2g2?
LL Waz Posted Nov 25, 2012
The clothes pole broke today. It came apart half way down, leaving it short of the height requirement for the job. It was birch, with beautiful white bark but a bit heavy. It's been retired and replaced with silvery smooth barked rowan who met the the person spec for the job very nicely. They may feel a bit rootless initially but with some guidance from the washing line they are expected to do well in their new supporting role.
Breaking in the middle isn't a graceful retirement.
It ought to be possible to retire gracefully. It's sad to leave only a sense of relief behind. Retiring disgracefully might be more fun.
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How do you solve a problem like h2g2?
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