This is the Message Centre for LL Waz

big bay

Post 1


been cogitating the phenomenon of h2g2 - for that is
what it is - no natural social protocols have been invented
yet to deal with exigencies such as the content of my last
note - anonimity coupled with an absolute lack of privacy
is lke a one-night stand - exciting but outside the rules of
ordinary human behaviour - though h2g2 seems self-regulating
- i humbly withdraw the scene just in case i've caused some
embarassment though given the conditions of intercourse : the
oxymoron of masked identity and in-your-face revelation that
seems to have no precedent : h2g2 is going where ?

big bay

Post 2

LL Waz

You've caused me no embarrassment langsandy. Truly not. I hope your offer is still open or I will always wonder. I very much want to see it. When I read your first message it was an 'oh, yes!' moment, not an 'oh, no!' one.

I've been thinking about this - I also want to see where I can take it myself, for what I'll learn from that, looking at it from the viewpoints of the comments made on it - both those looking for more and yours looking at less. I will get more out of this doing it before seeing your cut diamond. I want to understand better before seeing an answer - does that make sense?So, if the offer is still open, would you post it up after the weekend? Please?

This feels a bit heavy, as though I'm taking the big bay too seriously - I'm not. The piece matters to me, yes, but I'll enjoy the exercise of working on it and I'm fascinated to see what you have made with it.

Where h2g2's going? I have no idea, I've been here seven years and am a bit bemused by the differences an internet site has made. But it's not just the site, it's the real people you meet here.

big bay

Post 3

LL Waz

PS they were Canada Geese. You know, I left the name out because people over here have a slightly jaundiced view of them and they do not deserve that. They are as geese-ish (see, can't say goose either without unappreciative associations) as any other when they fly over the house at night.

There were Pinkfooted at Forvie.


Post 4


last time i saw Pinkfoots they were heading
North up Glen Dee higher than the Golden eagle
that guards the Laraig Ghru - Canadas are the
flocks of honkers that daily fly over my
roof top on their way to the newcut stubble
of the cornfields where the grain has spilled
- the weather is quite benign today while the
west is shivering in -30C temps - so much for
global warming - cheers - langsandy

Pinkfoots to Piddocks

Post 5

LL Waz

We're into December, and it doesn't yet feel like winter - the geraniums I left outside haven't got frosted.

I drove under a large flock of geese - almost certainly Canada, on the way home from town today. They were in loose V shape - that's never not a thrill to see. Not sure why, could be the change of a season, or more likely the feeling they're off to the other side of the world... being Canada geese, they were maybe just off to the next lake but you still get that feeling.

Haven't got much further researching ancient fashions of the Hebrides. I started with finding the correct name for the tellin shells first and got distracted and obsessed by the piddocks I came across. I know a lot more about piddocks now. You can call them boring shellfish, but you can also call them Angel Wings.

Or Petricola pholadiformis in Latin. I get the impression you know your Latin, does that have any English meaning?

A side effect of the piddocks is that every bad driver I see has now become a piddock, not to mention me when I forget things.

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