This is the Message Centre for U122301

Hi, welcome to h2g2

Post 1

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

Hello Collin. I'm T.B. Falsename, but you can call me TB, everyone else does. I'm an ACE, that is Assistant Community Editor. I'm here to help you find your way around on this hoopy website. Anything you're having trouble with, or need to ask, just call and I'll be happy to help you or answer any questions and if I can't I probably know someone who can.

Here are some places you may find useful areas

<./>DontPanic</.> is a useful starting point
<./>DontPanic-Tour</.> will give you a quick tour of h2g2

<./>FeedBack</.> allows you to give any feedback you wish to. This includes any problems you may be having accessing the site, ask a question and making any suggestions you may have
<./>GuideML-Clinic</.> will help you if you want to know how to write pages using GuideML

There is also A719840 which is just packed full of helpful links. If you do want to ask anything, then you can also go to A868098 and start a conversation there.

So I hope this helps you. Feel free to ask me anything you want, either here or at my personal space, 'PS', which you can get to by either clicking on my name at the top of this post or by clicking here U170182

Oh and before I go, why not have a read of h2g2's very own paper, <./>ThePost</.>

smiley - cheers

Hi, welcome to h2g2

Post 2


Cheers for that mate, I'll check those links later, thats if you don't mind of course... It's just that I like to discover things for myself, if you know what I mean. smiley - winkeye

Cheers very much though mate! smiley - smiley

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