This is the Message Centre for Brad Mitchell

Heavy Legal Stuff

Post 1

The Cow

Ummm.. Ford, I think I'd better warn you that you're breaking the rules a bit. I think. You see, there's a rule that you're not allowed 'Copyrighted fictional characters' and I think Ford Prefect might not be allowed.

Having said that, if you're insane and have changed your name to Ford Prefect then I think you might be OK.

The legal stuff is at , and here's an extract

A User shall not post, provide or otherwise make available any material of any sort that: ...
xi) Impersonates any living person or copyright fictional character or any person deceased for a period of not less than five years.

Just so you know.

Personally, I think you should be allowed names like Ford Prefect, but TDV's position isn't clear. If you want, I'll try to stand up for your position. Just reply to this message and I'll come and help you.

Heavy Legal Stuff

Post 2

Brad Mitchell

Crazy? I was Crazy once! they locked me in a room with padded walls. I died. they buried me there. and the worms tickled my toes. it drove me crazy! crazy? I was crazy once...

Now I'm insane smiley - smiley

I think that TDV will let me get away with it if I put a marker on my page. something along the lines of "this name used under copyright yada yada yada..." and et cetera. Thanks for the offer of support, as I might need it anyway. Wish me luck!

~Ford Prefect
(Hey! You sass that hoopy Ford Prefect?)

Heavy Legal Stuff

Post 3

Brad Mitchell

Whoops! Nope! No worries mate! TDV says that I am not allowed to "impersonate". Well, as Ford Prefect was never alive to be studied, and I don't think that he would act like me, I'm in the clear on all accounts and specifications.

Heavy Legal Stuff

Post 4

The Cow

An interesting legal loophole... smiley - smiley

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