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Plum Linden Started conversation Dec 19, 2004
Hey, it's Pip! :D I found you! Nice job on the name. At least I know you'll be easy to find on any site :P j/k I still love being called a researcher, lol.
*huggles you muches*
IronicHead Posted Dec 19, 2004
Hurrah for us! How big is this site, eh!? Waaay Cool. We'll have to bring them the joys of huggling. lol
*Huggles you back considerably*
Plum Linden Posted Dec 19, 2004
Yes, the huggles must be spread. Rise and go forth, my minions of happiness and disgustingly cheerfulness!! Ra!!!! Sorry, I'm listening to the oddest music right now, and I'm a bit hyper and crazy.
Yes, this site is quite big. It's almost intimidating. As in, it is. *huddles*
Cowgirl Posted Dec 19, 2004
Hi, I'm Rachel's friend, I don't know you and you don't know me, so, bye.
Plum Linden Posted Dec 19, 2004
Omg, I found the perfect smileys for me! Check it out: (or my headache) and
! Great, eh? I love this place...
IronicHead Posted Dec 20, 2004
Hey chuck. (Don't know if I should call you Pip or Rachel or what... Think I might stick with Pip for the moment.)
I sent a message to your friend. She doesn't say much does she? J/K. :P
Hope you're enjoying this site. I know I am. I've hardly been here two minutes and already I've found a roleplaying thread on Stargate SG1 - one of my fave tv shows ever!
There's pretty much everything here. Who needs the rest of the net, eh?
See you soon ok?
IronicHead Posted Dec 20, 2004
Oh, yeah... And it's probably the safest place you can get from viruses and all that stuff. Excellent.
Plum Linden Posted Dec 20, 2004
Yes, I really do love this site!
And either one (Pip or Rachel), doesn't matter. As long as I know I'm being referred to .
I've never seen Stargate SG1, although I know it's on about three times a week here.
*huggles you lots*
IronicHead Posted Dec 20, 2004
Hey Pip,
Stargate's really cool. It's probably better if you watch the movie before the show. It's got Kurt Russel and James Spader in. It's about a team of archaeologists who find this gate to another world and send a team of special forces in to see what's there. Turns out there's this guy pretending to be Ra, the Egyptian sun-god.
They did really well adapting it into a series and I think it's better than Star Trek since it's more based in a more modern "real" world but then that's just my opinion.
Cowgirl Posted Dec 20, 2004
What do you mean, I don't talk much? What am I supposed to say to someone I don't even know? But, yeah, anyway, You sound cool from what Rachels been telling me.
And I asked Rachel what else I should say and she said to add this:
I'm sorry for not talking, Rachel usually talks when we talk, so I'm not used to crossing the bridge.
Plum Linden Posted Dec 20, 2004
Well, I dont watch Star Trek either, so that tells me nothing
WHo knows, maybe I'll check it out. It'll gove me something to do on Sunday besides annoy everyone in my house and complain about a headache.
Actually, that's kinda funny about Ra. ANd my name. Because, my friends and I were talking about ways of representing our names in symbols, and, of course, we used a sun for "Ra". And then, we used a piece of cheese. *That* one takes a bit of time to explain. But, anyway, pointless anecdotes are my specialty, and that was one of my favourites, lol.
Oh, and, do have any form of Messenger? Cause that'd be a lot easier than CoE (apparently) and I always wondered.
~Pip (Or Sun Cheese, as the pointless story led to me being called)
IronicHead Posted Dec 20, 2004
Well, this seems to be an almost real time conversation. I'll ask my ACE if there's a chatroom or something similar.
Plum Linden Posted Dec 20, 2004
I know, I guess this is almost as good as being on CoE. *is still upset about not being informed three months in advance about it closing* J/k.
Plum Linden Posted Dec 20, 2004
Omg, I found a review for the movie. Already. It doesn't give it all away (Thank God), but it does shine some light on how it will be.
Before you read it, have you seen Space Balls? I have a reason for asking this. Because I have, and I loved it. Anyway, go to and check it out!
Plum Linden Posted Dec 20, 2004
Yes, it answers it perfectly, lol. I really did love that movie. I nearly died laughing at the part where they're watching the actual movie, adn they keep going on about being at "now". But, I realised the TV station wasn;t going to pause the movie so I could carry on appreciating it in my own, undignified fashion, so I held my breath and watched. It was worth it.
Plum Linden Posted Dec 20, 2004
Omg, I feel so at home here! Check out the Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing". Or so I think it's called. I've joined the Thingites. It's really amzingly awesome.
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- 1: Plum Linden (Dec 19, 2004)
- 2: IronicHead (Dec 19, 2004)
- 3: Plum Linden (Dec 19, 2004)
- 4: Cowgirl (Dec 19, 2004)
- 5: Plum Linden (Dec 19, 2004)
- 6: Plum Linden (Dec 19, 2004)
- 7: IronicHead (Dec 20, 2004)
- 8: IronicHead (Dec 20, 2004)
- 9: Plum Linden (Dec 20, 2004)
- 10: IronicHead (Dec 20, 2004)
- 11: Cowgirl (Dec 20, 2004)
- 12: IronicHead (Dec 20, 2004)
- 13: Plum Linden (Dec 20, 2004)
- 14: IronicHead (Dec 20, 2004)
- 15: Plum Linden (Dec 20, 2004)
- 16: Plum Linden (Dec 20, 2004)
- 17: IronicHead (Dec 20, 2004)
- 18: Plum Linden (Dec 20, 2004)
- 19: Plum Linden (Dec 20, 2004)
- 20: IronicHead (Dec 20, 2004)
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