This is the Message Centre for Mouthnoise

Paul if you're

Post 1


here Speak To Us, ooooooooooooohhhh (perform sounding ghostly).

Paul if you're

Post 2


Rap on the table, tap on the glass.
Disturb my sleep and I'll kick your ouija board.

Paul if you're

Post 3


That's very odd

Paul if you're

Post 4

an apple tree

those ghosty types can get darn violent if you disturb their power sleep
i've learnt to talk quietly (and drive a sherman tank)

Paul if you're

Post 5


You may be overassessing his threat potential.
But I gotta be nice to him. I ask him all my internet/tech questions. My questions are usually pretty simple, but then so is he. smiley - smiley

Paul if you're

Post 6

an apple tree

so he might just end up completely missing the ouija board and kicking a jar of sulphuric acid onto himself anyway?
*talks a little louder*

Paul if you're

Post 7

Classic Krissy

Ohhh sure...go ahead.. tempt fate. TEMPT IT.

Paul if you're

Post 8

an apple tree

heeeeeeeeeeere fatey fatey fate...come some nice bits of pigeon fat here for ya...fateeeeeeeey,....

Paul if you're

Post 9


Fate likes pigeon fat?

Paul if you're

Post 10

an apple tree

LOVES it! can't get enough. this is why you see people smearing their opponent with pigeon fat when they're out on dates...and didn't i find *that* out the hard way! WHEW!

Paul if you're

Post 11


At last, someone who might know. How _do_ you get pigeon fat out of satin.

Paul if you're

Post 12

Classic Krissy

Cheese. Lots and lots of cheese.

Paul if you're

Post 13

an apple tree

it's funny how you can interpret words as meaning SATAN just because they are spelt similarly and you can't think of any other thing they could mean at the time.

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