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tanzen Started conversation Feb 25, 2005
I was just browsing the "who's online" doohickey (making sure I'd said hello to everyone I should say hello to ) and I happened to come across the name "Kiwi Beatle".
Seeing as Kiwis and the Beatles are right up there in my list of "things I like", I thought I'd drop by and say hello
KiwiBeatle Posted Feb 25, 2005
Well HULLO 2 u 2!!!
Yes here I am in little NZ - Christchurch to be exact.
Where are you and want turns your world?
Fab to hear u like the Beatles! whats yr fav album/song/haircut???
goo goo ga joooB!!!
tanzen Posted Feb 25, 2005
Well I'm just *slightly* above and to the left of you, being in (occassionally) sunny Melbourne Oz
As for the Beatles, I'm probably more of an Abbey Road kida gal, possibly because I'm a giant sap and "Something" is my favourite the moment
KiwiBeatle Posted Feb 25, 2005
An Ocker gal eh!
great to meet u
Abbey road would be my second fav LP after Revolver - She Said She Said & Tomorrow Never Knows just blow me away...
Is there anyting Beatey in Melborne?
We hav a 'Sgt Pepper Steak House' Memorobilia photos & murals are fab
But the food is crap!
What u up 2 this fine Weekend?
tanzen Posted Feb 27, 2005
*curtsies politely*
Revolver is a brilliant album, I agree
You know, I don't *know* if there's anything Beatley in Melbourne...I've never thought to look ...I keep forgetting that there was an era when *everyone* knew who the Beatles were
As for my fine weekend...Friday night went to the pub...Saturday night....went to the pub
And then yesterday I went to score for my Dad's basketball team
And how was yours ??
KiwiBeatle Posted Mar 1, 2005
I had a great weekend - watching DVDs and going to
"Little Shop of Horrors" Musical @ the local Uni - it was fan-bl@#$dy-tastic!
Do u know the show? Geat songs, great characters & one mean plant!
When did you 'discover' the Beatles? I became a fan after seeing the film "Imagine - John Lennon" - music just blew me away! Couldnt believe how one man/grp could turm pop music on its head & inside out in a mere 8 yrs - no band today could do that...???
Roll over Beethoven
tanzen Posted Mar 2, 2005
I've seen the Little Shop of Horrors on video.
It's funny, we were actually talking about it yesterday; it was about lunchtime when I was met with a chorus of "feed me Seymour!"
I don't even know when I first discovered the Beatles...I mean, they were always somewhere lingering in the distance, and before you know it, you know all the words to all the songs and have seen all the movies a million times...
But they are an amazing force
KiwiBeatle Posted Mar 3, 2005
Cant get the Little Shop songs out of my head either...
Did you know the end of the movie is different to the stage play?
In the play Audrey does end up "Somewhere thats green" - inside the plant! Seymour is so heartbroken he feeds himself into the plant also!
Your right, the Beatles are an amazing force. Their influence & impact will be felt long after we are gone...
Whats your fav Beatle flick , Scene & song?
We all shine on...
tanzen Posted Mar 3, 2005
it's the kind of show that gets into your head
I'll have to see the stage play one day...actually there's a list of stage musicals I want to see, like "Hair" and "Jesus Christ Superstar"...but everytime they're on I miss them
My favourite Beatle is George. Growing up it was always John, because I thought he was the smartest, and because he was a mischief maker . But George had that quiet calmness about him that I want...and some of the best songs.
As for my favourite movie...well, that's a tricky one...Yellow Submarine had a good portion of all of my favourite songs, but Help was really ridiculous and funny, and Hard Day's Night had the curling
Can I make a vote each way ?
KiwiBeatle Posted Mar 3, 2005
Superstar I have seen, Hair I havn't.
Saw the flick of Phantom just recently. Sets & costumes were great
but actors & singing wasnt as good as the original - I saw it on stage when I was living in London...
spking of London went to Abbey road heaps as part of my Beatle pilgrimage. Had to go back every 6 weeks as they kept painting over my Beatle messages on the wall outside...
John is my beatle with George a close second..and Paul a very distant Last!
Hard Days Nite is my fav film - real groovy in B&W.Love johns scene in the bath!!
PS dont mean to be picky but the curling is in Help!
tanzen Posted Mar 10, 2005
You're absolutely right, it was in Help! too...I'm getting a bit foggy in my old age
I've only seen Superstar and Hair on video (and apparently the ending in “hair” is different in the play anyway) but I’d definitely love to see them. I *am* trying to get out and do more different things, but the more things I do, the more I want the same old boring things…
…like going to the pub on the weekend and sleeping in during the day
I hate having to figure out which one is my favourite, just because it’s one of those things that changes all the time…I hate to admit it though, but Paul has never been at the top of my list. It’s not that I don’t love him, I’ve just never loved him more than all of the others at the same time…
What messages did you leave behind ? One of my mates moved over to England, and she keeps begging me to go over and visit…the fact that I love her (and I have at least a dozen drinking buddies over there now, curtesy of hootoo
) makes it tempting enough…but going to Liverpool…and Abbey Road…make it even harder for me to say no.
Oh well *sigh* one day
So whereabouts in NZ are you then ??
KiwiBeatle Posted Mar 14, 2005
Message I left on Abbey Road wall...
What message would u put?
Dont want to make u jelous but my Beatle Pilgrimage also took in Liverpool (Incl MerseyBeatle Fest'96) & New York on the way home...
Sunny skys in Christchurch today...whats up in Melbo?
tanzen Posted Mar 14, 2005
I don't know what message I'd put up...I'll have to think about it
Well if you were worries about making me jealous you’ve certainly succeeded
One day I’d like to take the trip, don’t know if I ever will…as Robert Frost said “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep”…but who knows, maybe one day !
Ahh, Christchurch ! I have two mates who are Kiwi, one’s from Christchurch and one’s from Auckland…they can sit down for hours saying that where they’re from is better than where the other’s from. And I just sit down, shaking my head, because Melbourne’s so much better than both of them
(I’ve never been to NZ, another thing on my “to do” list…I’ve never met Kiwi I didn’t like )
KiwiBeatle Posted Mar 15, 2005
You must come to NZ - "Middle Earth" -Did you see the LOTR movies?
did you like them?
ps CHCH is better than "Dorkland"
tanzen Posted Mar 15, 2005
I must admit that I’m one of about three people in the universe who haven’t seen LOTR, I did however see Peter Jackson’s earlier horror flicks, they were set in NZ, weren’t they ?
KiwiBeatle Posted Mar 15, 2005
yes all his flicks have been filmed in NZ. i love all his movies but must admit I havnt seen his 1st one " Bad Taste " - must get it out of the vid shop!
Cant believe you havnt seen LOTR. I went to the all twice at the movies & now have the extended vesions of all 3 on DVD at home...can never tire of watching them...
You must get them out one wet Melborne day - great way to see NZ without having to sit through a boring Travel programme!
Did u know a lot of the music was recorded at Abbey Road in london !?
Peter is a huge Beatle fan ( like us ) so one day he , the composer & a couple of others got a photo of them doing the famous Beatle walk across the zebra crossing outside...!! Cool eh!
tanzen Posted Mar 15, 2005
I have only seen bits and pieces from "Bad Taste", I have seen "Brain Dead" and "Meet the Feebles" though...the boy happens to be a big fan
I never went to see the LOTR movies because they were the only books I started reading and didn’t finish…and I refuse to watch the movies until I read the books…
…which means I’ll probably never see them
He seems like a cool fella though doesn’t he? And the fact that he’s a Beatles fan only makes him a better one
KiwiBeatle Posted Mar 22, 2005
i was determined to read the books also before I saw the movies...managed to do so finishing the last chapter witin days of their release each time!
Did you know there was talk of the Beatles doing a LOTR movie in the
60s with Paul as Frodo, Ringo as Sam, George as Gandalf and John wanted to play Gollum!!
Imagine what that would have been like & the songs they would have written for it!!!
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- 1: tanzen (Feb 25, 2005)
- 2: KiwiBeatle (Feb 25, 2005)
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- 4: KiwiBeatle (Feb 25, 2005)
- 5: tanzen (Feb 27, 2005)
- 6: KiwiBeatle (Mar 1, 2005)
- 7: tanzen (Mar 2, 2005)
- 8: KiwiBeatle (Mar 3, 2005)
- 9: tanzen (Mar 3, 2005)
- 10: KiwiBeatle (Mar 3, 2005)
- 11: tanzen (Mar 10, 2005)
- 12: KiwiBeatle (Mar 14, 2005)
- 13: tanzen (Mar 14, 2005)
- 14: KiwiBeatle (Mar 15, 2005)
- 15: tanzen (Mar 15, 2005)
- 16: KiwiBeatle (Mar 15, 2005)
- 17: tanzen (Mar 15, 2005)
- 18: KiwiBeatle (Mar 22, 2005)
- 19: tanzen (Mar 31, 2005)
- 20: KiwiBeatle (Apr 4, 2005)
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