This is the Message Centre for KiwiBeatle
Xanthius Started conversation Jul 25, 2007
Had to leave a message as I just found (accidently) a fellow kiwi. This accident started by looking up 'Rocky Horror' on which you had wre\itten a piece. So yeah.
KiwiBeatle Posted Aug 31, 2007
Hello fellow KIWI!
Just got your message today!
Where in NZ r u?
I guess you found my review of ROCKY HORROR show in CHCH. Are you a fan?
Just got the DVD of Jeff Waynes WAR OF THE WORLDS stage show - it is absolutely mindblowingly fantastic - go get it!
Xanthius Posted Sep 1, 2007
Am I a fan? Tricky question. To be honest Ive never actually seen Rocky Horror, and so my opinion is derived purely from the music at the moment. But yea, I suppose I am a fan.
Are you from chch or just went to the show there? Im from OAMARU which is a small town that an awful lot of people have never heard of. So yeh. We have a lot of penguins though. <>
KiwiBeatle Posted Sep 10, 2007
I'm in CHCH but " my grnetic stock comes from OTAGO and SOUTHLAND!" as I tell my one-eyed Can't-er-bury friends!
I know Oamaru well- my family have an ancestral home at Moeraki! Love those penguins!
Xanthius Posted Sep 20, 2007
Yaaaay!! Someone who knows Oamaru.
My "genetic Stock," as you put it, actually come from Wales and England. And I think A scotsman somewhere. Yeah. I like Moeraki actually, though I must admit its been ages since Ive been. Therer are heaps of great beaches around here though. All day bay is great for swimming. Pity the PAcific is so cold, but still fun, eh!!
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