This is the Message Centre for Lill

Hey Lill....

Post 1


...welcome to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition smiley - smiley I am Crescent, an Assistant Community Editor (or ACE) here to meet and greet, and lend helping hands where needed smiley - smiley If you have any probs or questions click 'reply' below and ask away smiley - smiley You probably won't need such a hand, as you appear to have settled in nicely smiley - smiley How are you enjoying h2g2 ? what article sif any are you going to write? Are you enjoying Marine Resource Managment, and AU (except the pissy old weather the day)? What do you think of quick fire questions? Sorry starting to ramble smiley - smiley I will just leave it there, so until later......
BCNU - Crescent

Hey Lill....

Post 2


Ta verry muchly, the course is kinda fun. At the mo. we are getting to dissect things - messy! AU is good too
but I have a problem with the rubbish weather. I haven't decided on an article to write.

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