Journal Entries
Yearly entries?
Posted May 4, 2002
And, yet again, I haven't been here in about a year. That last entry was from what, 11th grade? Pretty sad.
I'm all grown up now - car, boyfriend, university. Such is life. I seem to remember the guide entries on sex to have been more detailed in the past then they are now...they used to send me to useful sites. No longer, poo poo. I'm so terribly bored, but I'm sure things will pick up soon - Greek Easter is tomorrow. So things will indeed get busy. Either way, I ought to get off and get up. The day won't wait for me forever.
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Latest reply: May 4, 2002
Hooooooly crap
Posted Oct 18, 2001
Jeez, haven't been here in over a year. Pity. I don't think anyone missed me though. I thought I might as well drop by, see if my account was still active. I wasn't really all that active. I couldn't remember my password for the life of me *lol*. So, the BBC's running this place now, eh? That's neat.
Well, time to go figure out how to reformat my notes so I can print them off the old computer. Ugh. Adios.
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Latest reply: Oct 18, 2001
Three down, two to go...
Posted Jun 16, 2000
Well, the English exam was friggin' easy...I didn't need to study at all! And as much as I though my math exam was going to kill me, I'm still in one piece...I'M ALIVE!!! HUZZAH!!! ahem *l* Anyways, I've got writing tomorrow, which requires no studying - and then chemistry and I'm all done! *lol* Then bye-bye stress! See you in September!
...and I'm spent!
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Latest reply: Jun 16, 2000
English PE, here I come!
Posted Jun 13, 2000
Ok...tomorrow is my Provincial exam in English. I haven't studied at all. I'm going to die. Or ace it. One of the two. Heh. But soon my exams will be done, and the stress will evaporate. Summer will go flying by and suddenly - BAM! I'll start my senior year. That's frickin' scary....Grad photos: EEEEK!!!
That's enough of my babbling jibberish. I smell fried mushrooms for no reason and I want a shower. So off I go! *dissapears*
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Latest reply: Jun 13, 2000
What are >you< looking at?
Posted Jun 11, 2000
(june 6, 2000)
I have three days of normal school left, followed by two days off, and then I start my grueling exam schedule. Eeek! I'll be back when I regain my sanity...
...I'm back. I'm still insane though. I just payed for my chemistry review sheets! That is so WRONG! And I just got the school newspaper. It's a fine little s**trag that only manages to get cranked out two or three times a year, and there's rarely an article in it that merits my attention. I think I'll make paper cranes out of it. A thousand paper cranes (they make more than 2500 copies so that should be more than enough) and I'll send them to Hiroshima. And I had better get my goddamn yearbook Monday or heads will roll! Nothing will make me pissier than if I get it after classes end, cause then I have to haul it around for the two weeks we write exams to get everyone to sign it! And I'll never find all my 12th grade friends after that! I'll never see them again!
Calm blue ocean calm blue ocean calm blue ocean...ok, I've calmed down. Everything is fine. I'll be back again later though, and god knows I'll probably be even more stressed when I do...
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Latest reply: Jun 11, 2000
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."