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Of Weddings...

Post 1

Guinness Duck

Well today was the wedding (actually a renewal of vows) for my friends Dan and Marie. It's nice to see them all blissful and happy even if they left the East Coast of the US to go to the dreaded Left Coast (for all those unenlightend souls, that would be California, USA). However they came back here to good old Ithaca, NY to have their wedding ceremony, something they never had when they offically made their union of matrimony last Fall.

Weddings are such an odd thing. I mean yes, they are lovely and wonderful, but there's just something about them that gets you reflecting. Reflection, I suppose, is a good thing, but when you're half crocked on champaigne from the wedding, well reflection can be quite the pain. Today however I think has been a good one for the most part. Things feel right, I feel right, the world feels right, and I don't quite feel that same level of aloneness that plauged me the first half of this year. I was beginning to think the entire year of 2000 would be a wash, but it's starting to look like I might be acquiring and optimistic thought afterall.

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Of Weddings...

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