This is the Message Centre for sezzy_boy


Post 1


Welcome to H2G2E2 - as you may have already found there's tons to do. You could even click on some other researchers names and go to their home pages to find one as bad as yours. But I seriously doubt if it's worth the effort!

Anyway, you've already met one of the other assistant community editors (ACEs) - others may pop in to say "Hi!" and comment on your page!

smiley - smiley


Post 2


I thank you...

heh heh heh


Post 3


Hi I am Abi the Deputy Community Editor here at h2g2 - are you nesting cos it is Spring?

Incidentally you can check out the rest of my illustrious colleagues at . We are one year old next Friday - hope to see you at the on-line party. Perhaps you can advise us on the internal decor smiley - winkeye

Nesting Instincts

Post 4


What, no yin-yang coffee table?

You may be suitably pissed-off to learn that I've just acquired a video-disk version of Fight Club (it plays on the laptop) and am looking forward to checking out the uncut scenes. (Also got Scream 3, Whole Nine Yards, Ninth Gate, Reindeer Games else).

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