This is the Message Centre for DOMINO (caught the deluge in a paper cup)

Why the name

Post 1

njan (afh)

Wherefrom comest the name? smiley - smiley

- Njan, Prince of Darkness, Resident Pschoanalyst @ the FFFF. Stepladders repaired.

Why the name

Post 2

DOMINO (caught the deluge in a paper cup)

Read my guide entry on humans, for an answer. Also, I noticed how daft peoples names were, so I thought i'd make mine daft as well.

Why the name

Post 3

njan (afh)

Oh, I see. Aah well. My name's random, and then assorted titles were added to it.

Why the name

Post 4


So why the change of name? (It seems to be a bit of an h2g2 trend this week).
smiley - fish

Why the name

Post 5

njan (afh)


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