This is the Message Centre for DOMINO (caught the deluge in a paper cup)

Welcome to h2g2!

Post 1

The Cheese

Hi, and welcome to the Earth Edition of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! If you have any questions about what to do, you can ask me here, or you can find an ACE (the official gretters) and ask them. And you can also have a fish smiley - smiley: smiley - fish

~~The Cheese
smiley - bigeyes

Welcome to h2g2!

Post 2

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

Well Stu, I'm glad you have found a medium upon which to tell the world your outlook on life. Just like real life I have nothing else really relevent to say, if this is real life...

Welcome to h2g2!

Post 3

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Well, you wanted an official ACE, so here's one. Though for some reason I'm not on the list on the official homepage, but I do have to badge.

Welcome to ther guide! (what was your name again?)

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