This is the Message Centre for Hammy's PotPlant.

Welcome to h2g2, Hammy's PotPlant

Post 1

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Hello smiley - smiley

I am one of the Assistant Community Editors (Aces). We have been asked to greet new researchers and help out in any way we can.

Greetings smiley - smiley

If there is anything you'd like to know about h2g2, feel free to ask myself or any of the other aces. In the meantime, here a few links to get you started:

The ACE Homepage:
The Newcomers Welcome Page:
The POST (h2g2's researcher newspaper):
The GuideML Clinic:

Incidentally, what made you choose Hammy's PotPlant for a name (if you don't mind me asking, of course).

See you around!

Welcome to h2g2, Hammy's PotPlant

Post 2

Hammy's PotPlant.

You like my name?
It started in a forum a while bakc, well kinda.
it was hammy ('s idea.
I first took shape at

Welcome to h2g2, Hammy's PotPlant

Post 3

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Well, I must admit I can't see the connection between that forum and your name. However, it is a good name - catches the eye, it does.....

Welcome to h2g2, Hammy's PotPlant

Post 4

Hammy's PotPlant.

lol, well half way through hammy walks in and starts talking to a potplant.

Welcome to h2g2, Hammy's PotPlant

Post 5

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I see.......well, perhaps someday you'll be your own potplant, but in the meantime, please do enjoy. smiley - smiley

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