This is the Message Centre for Shirps


Post 1


Hi there, just before signing out (again) thought I would drop by and see if you were all right.

Kitchen looking good I hope !

Chipssmiley - biggrin


Post 2


Hi there

Sorry not to have been around much, but REALLY busy smiley - sadface

Kitchen progressing slowly - cooker arrived today - just managed to get it through into the kitchen smiley - yikes

"My husband & I" (smiley - winkeye) resigned from the art society (as from AGM in Sept) - loads of art soc. work to get done - smiley - erm hence not here much, etc., etc. + death in my husbands family.

Promise to get back here as & when I can - crazy thing to go from nothing to busy - wish things were spread out evenly. Ah well!

How are you doing? Hope you're OK too. Glad to see you're getting into the Telegram Game smiley - cool

Not long before I can cook a real smiley - chocsmiley - cake - smiley - magic

smiley - dog


Post 3


I've replied to the M post but just to let you know I had 2 disasters with the TG.

First time I had the identical sentence of another poster. Spooky.

The 2nd time, please don't laugh, I spent ages thinking up witty and deeply topical phrases for ADDICT only to find the bword had changedsmiley - wah

Right, closing this one off nowsmiley - biggrin

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