This is the Message Centre for Shirps

MoFoLo to Shirps

Post 1


I know you aren't due back till tomorrow but I thought I would let you know what I have been doing.

Got an E-mail from my buddy Dave who has bailed me out of a critical financial situation. He was in the hospital a few days back. He thought he might be coming down with pnuemonia and it turns out his heart isn't working the way it is supposed to be working. He just turned 62 this past week.

I made copies of everything I wrote on Bonnie and sent them to our general practitioner, Bonnie's neurologist, and Bonnie's psychiatrist. I have been trying and trying to get her to shower and she keeps refusing. While she is not losing her awareness of the family and the time frame of being March she still seems to retrogress in other ways to a more childlike state.

I was so busy today I forgot to call about my hearing aid. I will call tomorrow from the office and set up an appointment on one of my vacation days. I could use sick time but I may need those in taking care of Bonnie. So I better write that down because I also have to call the dentist tomorrow to reschedule the smiley - ant and I for our annual checkup. They called me today to reschedule but I didn't have a calendar on me with my schedule at work and the days I have setup for vacation time. I think I better start carrying one again.

Otherwise it has been okay. Took my little midget grandson and his older brother out with Bonnie for a ride. And just in case I hadn't mentioned him before he isn't really a midget but he is small for his age. He still calls me Be-bop and pretty good with his sentences.

smiley - ant and I have been going to the Morse Center which is the gym and health center of MCO where Bonnie retired from. Will try to go in the morning for about 20 to 30 minutes and in the evening after I get home and feed Bonnie. We will do about 30 - 40 minutes then. We can use the swimming pool at the Hilton Hotel as part of our membership. So we will go there after our workout when they reopen the pool. Right now they are doing a repair and makeover and expect to reopen on April fourth.

Hope you are doing well and got to rest up on your seaside stay. Did Hollysmiley - dog go with you? Does she like the seaside? Catch up on your reading? How about Roger? Has the seaside invigorated him as well?

Will catch you later. Probably will be busy for a bit catching up on the kitchen and other things. So no hurry in replying.

smiley - hugs to all and to all a goodnight,
Mosmiley - sheep

MoFoLo to Shirps

Post 2


Hi there smiley - sheep

Lost the "Anything" thread? smiley - biggrin

Will reply properly tomorrow - came back today (smiley - erma day late) - caught up on mail (snail mail & internet smiley - wah), done the unpacking, got the washing machine filled & timed for during the night.

R & I just fell asleep in front of the TV, so I think we'll switch everything off & got to bed smiley - zzz

Glad to be back - speak soon smiley - ok
smiley - run for smiley - zzz
smiley - dog

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