This is the Message Centre for Shirps
Shirps Posted Mar 15, 2005
There's a good - don't you get mixed up with those germ-ridden <blacksheep) you hear?
Hmm, I reckon I've had it real easy compared to some folk - everything is a real nuisance & pain, but think how complicated is the human body & you wonder that there isn't more going wrong - some clever hardware technician put us together
Everyone is entitled to a moan - I have "down" times, but then pull myself out of it thinking ways in which it could have been worse & just thank my lucky s
You're actually LOOKING for bills? (I know what you mean
With pleasure I'll send you a photo or 2 - maybe a show of the progression? I have been taking pics just to remind us: never to do it again
We took Holly to the vet early this morning - her ear has got infected again - she has been given (we bought!): antibiotics, anti-inflammatories & ear lotion. To alleviate the possible allergy she's had I am to give her each day an Evening Primrose Oil capsule & anti-hystamine tablets - which is very
able as I take those everyday too,
so she can have some of mine. She got bitten over her back last autumn really badly - I think the "poison" from the insects got into her blood stream - she had bites all over her back & her hair started falling out!! She has nearly recovered now & since R has been feeding her pilchards
her coat is almost back to normal. The ear trouble she has had more on than off for years - vet thinks it may be connected to an allergy.
Anyway, I'll give her bath when it's a bit warmer & have a ladies hour or two - do her nails, teeth, etc.
R is now painting furiously in the kitchen - the walls, not a picture We bought another ready-cooked chicken from the butcher this morning - straight out of the oven, but I reckon it will have cooled down by evening time
Not long before we can do a proper roast
& bake a few
Ah well, best go & do something real useful - like answer your other posting
MoFoLo Posted Mar 16, 2005
Dear Shirps,
Our "pets" are sometines as bad as kids, Poor Holly. We had a Shar Pei that had a problem with her ears. At the same time we had a Cock-a-poo that had eye problems. Her lens would split and the doctor would have to remove them. I guess new lens must grow back. When it happpened a second time the doctor said we might have to take her to Columbus, OH or Ann Arbor, Michigan to see what could be done. He said however to try vitamin C first to see if that helped any. We started giving her the C and the eyes healed on their own.
Hey is Roger artistic? Maybe he could paint pictures on the wall. Maybe like a window overlooking a meadow on a sunnyday surrounded by banks of trees with 's a twittering in amongst the branches. You know I think I've heard something like this before. Maybe in another life?
's all around, Hope Holly
is feeling better.
Shirps Posted Mar 16, 2005
Hiya Mo
D'you know I've always wanted to paint a big bright on the ceiling & lamp-posts on the walls in the d/stairs hallway & then upstairs a beautiful crescent with loads of
s on the ceiling of the landing.
If I had a "spare" house that is exactly the sort of thing I'd do - actually if I'd been on my own here then I probably would have done
R likes to stay within the norm, but doesn't mind the odd bit of quirkiness - well, he likes me (I hope!)
R & I think it may have been the cornea that split on your cockatoo, I have an injury to my cornea that if it dries up will split & I need special ointment, etc., for it to heal. The cornea covers the lens with fluid between. Maybe that's what happened to your parrot - one injury can take years to heal, if ever! I might try some Vit C too Always thought I was more like an animal than a human
The temperature here has gone up to 13 C, but ... it's raining!
R let me sleep in till 11.45am this morning or, rather, he forgot me - no, he was painting & hadn't got his watch on so hadn't realised the time. I obviously needed the sleep though, my eye was twitching last evening - you know when you get really tired the nerves around your eyes start playing up.
I've more news on the .... kitchen - will write another journal entry
Holly was really perky all day yesterday - I think it was because she'd seen her private doctor & had private treatment
she though she was special - someone was taking notice of her
PS Are you sorting out about your hearing aid (NAG)
MoFoLo Posted Mar 17, 2005
I will, I promise. If not before then I will look into it on the 28th. I have taken a vacation day. Meanwhile I got to reschedule and
with the dentist. We were supposed to go the 21st but that not a good time. Just an annual cleaning and check up.
I like your ideas though on the hallway and upstairs. When we took on we did the upper half of a couple of wall with clouds wallpaper. Then hung a couple of gulls (wooeden) from the ceiling over his crib.
You're right. I remember when you said cornea. As for the C. It can't hurt. People at work have had their colds for two weeks. Mine was under control after one week. I still have some residue infection but unlike every one else I did not go through bad coughing stages. I have been feeling fine. I take a thousand mg C a day and when I got sick jumped up to at least 5 thousand. One article I read suggested 10 thousand while sick. I will have to check on that and see if there is any danger at that level before I jump into that.
Very happy for Holly. It is nice you can share your meds with your pet. Got to hit the bed. It has been a long day.
to all,
Shirps Posted Mar 17, 2005
Vitamin C it is then Hope it doesn't bring me out in spots & things
I've started taking some multi-vitamins (which I suppose contain some Vit.C) & the cough is easing a little - had a whole night's sleep
Do read my last journal entry, just to keep you up-to-date
That sounds really pretty - he must have thought he was floating up in the blue sky - does he remember it? We decorated our bedroom last year & decided on yellow - it's a gentle yellow with cream curtains & pine furniture (we kept the old wardrobes as there was nothing wrong with them, but they kindof fit in) - so when I feel really down I go up there with the full light on! R still wouldn't paint a big yellow/orange sun on the ceiling though
Hope you had good rest.
Here's a chip
with choc fudge icing on the top for your afters or
MoFoLo Posted Mar 21, 2005
Hey Shirps,
You have had four days rest now. So are you getting better?
No new journals - no changes in the kitchen?
I know Roger is really one swell guy, but, not even one orange/yellow sun? Hmmmm. I say again, Hmmmmm. Maybe you can get a small star to start with?
I had a lot of rest this weekend. And I am feeling pretty darn good. But I think this extra weight is slowing me down. I want to get down at least 10 pounds for now and worry about the rest later.
Yours from OhiO,
Shirps Posted Mar 21, 2005
Hiya Mo
Wondered what had happened to you! Unfortunately - no rest for the wicked , "things" have happened about the place we meet & hold our Art Soc. meetings & Summer exhibition - so this weekend it's been talk, etc. - won't bore you with all the details
Also, I've told the chairman that R & I want to resign from being treasurer & sec. I've been sec for 11 years now & it's turned into a bit of a drudge instead of enjoyment - there's more stress & strain to it now also & I don't get paid for it At least the stress you get when working makes it worthwhile when you get a wage packet
R & I want a bit more freedom to go off at the drop of a hat (we have a campervan, but have hardly used it for going away), but there's always something going on about the society, which stops us.
The VW camper is our only vehicle & has been very useful in ferrying mum & her wheelchair around and moving my daughter to different accommodations, but we got it originally to just go off & tour round Britain as & when we felt like it. Unfortunately, it hasn't happened yet.
R went to the coast for the weekend - I had to stay home because the art soc. had a workshop that I had organised & so I had to go "visit" it & meet the tutor, etc. (see what I mean?)
However, we are going to the coast on Thursday for Easter probably. That will give me a break & some clean fresh air. Not too good today - this virus seems to keep coming & going.
As regards your weight: lose any weight slowly - it'll stay off easier. Don't snack between meals. Use a smaller plate, so it looks fuller. Snack on boring things like celery , bit of low fat Philadelphia with it wouldn't hurt. Stay away from nuts, biscuits & all things sweet. Make sure you have alot of fresh fruit to eat. Bananas are absorbed more slowly (good for the sugar levels too), but obviously within reason
Remember what they say: eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince, but dinner like a Pauper Eating last thing at night is a NO NO - you won't burn it off at night
Go for a walk every evening - even a short walk round the garden is better than nothing.
Glad to hear you're feeling alot better - with the better weather coming along I hope everyone will!
Going to now - vinyl is being laid tomorrow morning, so I have to get up earlier. All I feel like doing is hibernating away from everyone & everything
I think it'll do me good to get away for a few days as I am beginning to feel really low - need a break.
Anyway, take care & go easy my friend.
MoFoLo Posted Mar 22, 2005
Signed up for a family plan at a health gym at Bonnie's former employer MCO (Medical College of Ohio). It is about 1/3 the cost of any other gym for a single person in the area and I am hoping I will be able to get 1/2 of that back through my employer. I plan on going in the morning for a light workout before going to work and then after I get home from work I will take Anthony. This also gives us privileges to go swimming and using the tennis court at a Hilton Hotel located on the hospital's land.
I can understand wanting a leave of absence. Sounds as if you have done more than your fair share for the society. Now should be a good time to take those trips while you are able to enjoy them.
You taking the "C"? You getting enough rest and exercise? The feeling low takes it's toll too. Sea shore should do wonders.
I got some electronic equipment so he could play his X-box on the internet and play games with guys around the world. He gave me the unopened boxes back and said he didn't deserve it and he would get it with his own money when he could. Except for two or three games I do not recall
ever asking for something for the holidays and his birthday. I really think he was being considerate of our financial situation.
You said no rest for the wicked. You want to stay that way. After all they also say the good die young. Take care, Hi to Roger and Holly,
Oh, how about the smoking? That won't help your cough. I can nag better than you. Heh. Heh.
Shirps Posted Mar 22, 2005
Don't overdo the old keep fit regime - begin slowly & build up - don't want you having a
Ok, Ok, soon as I'm better I'm going to see the "National Aid" to giving help to cease smoking - may prescribe some magic tablets
is a real treasure - you & Bonnie have done a real good job bringing him up
Know what you say about the wicked - can't make my mind up
to you & yours
Shirps Posted Mar 23, 2005
Hi again!
Vinyl got laid OK yesterday - brought the washing machine back inside from the garden (thank goodness we put a cover over it - it tipped down with rain yesterday )
Anyway, off tomorrow morning to the coast (Norfolk) - to give Holly a birthday treat
, so take care over the Easter hols & have a
Back next Tuesday - I'll let you know
to you & yours
MoFoLo Posted Apr 4, 2005
How is the kitchen going? Haven't seen anything new in your journals. Are you doing okay?
A hearty hello to Roger and Holly.
Oh, I found this piece of . Dark and lots of cocoa. Go ahead and have a nibble. It's clean, I wiped it on my trousers after picking it up.
MoFoLo Posted Apr 4, 2005
OOOps forgot to tell you.
Found this book I bought a long time ago. I will have to wait till I get home to tell you some of the definitions.
There is a section on English definitions for Americans visiting the UK.
Example: abundance
A place where the buns disco.
Shirps Posted Apr 5, 2005
Hi Mo
Just hope your trousers were clean -
now swallowed
Just love that definition
A bun dance: this was the first word my junior school teacher taught us, when explaining how to split up words to remember how to spell them!!!
Really busy just at the moment, but as soon as I get a chance I'll write a few journal entries, which will explain to you what's been happening ... one thing though, the cooker arrived today & they JUST got it through the doors & the twist into the lounge from the hallway - phew! - wipes brow
Hope you are getting things sorted - do write here any news you have won't you?
MoFoLo Posted Apr 12, 2005
Been working on writing about my past years. Have tried to stay out of some of the salons although I still keep an eye on Backroom chat on American Politics.
I started the memories at a point when I left Toledo to go to Aurora, Illinois. Tartaronne suggested I go back further. I planned to go back to when I left home but set up an outline back to my first memories. We will see. I am not a writer. I never learned middle school or highschool English. How did I get through? I faked most of it and the teachers probably didn't want me back in their class.
Been looking to see if you have any journals but I guess you have been pretty busy. Hope you are okay and doing well. Say Hi to Holly and Roger (rabbit).
to all,
Shirps Posted Apr 12, 2005
Hi baa baa
Roger rabbit indeed - huh!
Yep, really busy at present - art society stuff (by the by I have resigned as from the AGM in September - there will be an entry in my journal - sometime!)
Kitchen coming along in leaps & bounds now (there will be an entry in my journal - sometime!)
Are you writing about your life? If so, go back as far as you can remember - your great, great, great grandchildren will love to read the "history" & true story of their great, great, great grandfather
Keep safe & I am sure you'll be with the English side - get someone to proofread it?
back & a weeny bit of
to nibble on while you concentrate
MoFoLo Posted Apr 15, 2005
Wednesday was a surprise. When I got home Bonnie had clean clothes on. She seemed more alert. I fixed her dinner and then me. While I was eating she said you didn't notice anything. Me: A puzzled look upon my face. Bon: What is it you do every single night. Me: Still puzzled look. Bon: (exasperated) What is it you do every single night. Me: I don't know. What is it I do every single night. Bon: you ask me if I took a shower today. Every single night. Me: Oh you took a shower? Bon: What good is it if you don't even notice.
Anyway I took her on a short trip and stopped for a coffee and donut before returning home. She made comments on the commercials and when the talk show droned on and on she said, "Well, when are you going to get to the point." She even noticed the geese flying over and the vapor trails left by the jets.
The has cleaned up the front porch, cleaned up and rearranged the front yard and is in the middle of doing the back yard. He cleaned it up but now is cutting down limbs, cleaning out garbage trees and makeing the yard seem bigger.
I am thinking about starting the book:
I guess I could start out by telling you my first memory is the doctor smacking me on the a** after my mother pushed me out of the nice warm womb that had been my residence for the last nine months, but, in reality my first memmory is me looking under ..................
Is that enough to make you want to go out and buy a copy???
So, your turn.. Lets hear a little bragging on the kitchen. You cooking on the grill??
to all - Rapid Roger, and Holly
and to
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- 101: Shirps (Mar 15, 2005)
- 102: MoFoLo (Mar 16, 2005)
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- 106: MoFoLo (Mar 21, 2005)
- 107: Shirps (Mar 21, 2005)
- 108: MoFoLo (Mar 22, 2005)
- 109: Shirps (Mar 22, 2005)
- 110: Shirps (Mar 23, 2005)
- 111: MoFoLo (Apr 4, 2005)
- 112: MoFoLo (Apr 4, 2005)
- 113: Shirps (Apr 5, 2005)
- 114: MoFoLo (Apr 12, 2005)
- 115: Shirps (Apr 12, 2005)
- 116: MoFoLo (Apr 15, 2005)
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