This is the Message Centre for Shirps
MoFoLo Started conversation Jan 4, 2005
Hey I am trying to figure out the navigation of this site. I went to another researchers site and thumped on some thing and I ended here. But I am not sure this is the right spot. So if this is pisces then I am here. But if this ends up at my space then I am confused.
Shirps Posted Jan 4, 2005
Hi - you've made it!
Let me explain about my page. Basically I'm an oldie, not as old as some, but when I was originally on h2 my number was U106389. However, I've been away from the site for about 2 years, that was when the BBC took over the site & all our mailings disappeared for them to read through & approve their content and I became somewhat busy with weddings & suchlike
When I tried to log back on I used my old password, etc., but nothing worked. So, logically, I thought I would start a new one U1178788. H2 gurus tried to get back my old page for me to use, but with no success.
As you have discovered I am a then you must have got through to my old page
how did you do it? I really must alter/update some bits on it if that is possible!
It's good to meet with a fairly(?) down-to-earth Pisces?
I think I've found that life can knock out some of the dreaminess we were born with! Although, personally I hide it most of it now, but it does show itself occasionally
Right, NOW I MUST know your birthday ....
What made you use a for your signature? I used
for obvious reasons
From what we were speaking about earlier:
a) that site for American/English on h2 seems pretty helpful. You can always ask me the odd question & I'll do my best to answer, but you have the h2 gurus also.
b) I assume that really it is best to keep Bonnie's life as less complicated as possible? Thereby not putting her under any extra strain?
c) is a typical example of what I was trying to get at about the advantages of home study.
My daughter was bullied by one particular girl & her gang from junior school (after we moved here) right through senior school. Mental bullying rather than physical. Luckily the girls school merged with the boys school & for some unknown reason the boys helped Liz through it!! By the by: the girl works in a shop & Liz, well you know the rest. It really was inexplicable though, this girl had everything her family could give her, but Liz was on a very tight budget - maybe material things are not the answer? Maybe as we spoke differently, we used to live in the suburbs of London, but moved to Northamptonshire where the accent is very strong. Who knows!
Anyway, hands need a rest - have a good day at work
MoFoLo Posted Jan 4, 2005
I used up my lunch time so I will have to wait till this evening or sneak in some time later.
I entered Shirps into the search H2g2 box.
A screen with ID A360208 My world and 9% popped up.
I clicked on the A360208.
Then a new screen came up with message, "You cna find me at my new Home - Shirps. This screen has a personal history you must have filled out a long while back.
The part I do not remember is how I started a new message.
Oh by the way my last name is Lamb and that was the closest (sp) that I could come. Mark Francis Lamb - MoFoLo - born February 24, 1943 in Toledo Ohio.
Catch up any other questions later. It is now 12:11 pm EST or EDT. I get confused what part of the year we are daylight savings or standard time.
MoFoLo Posted Jan 4, 2005
I was just looking at my reply and noticed that I forgot to mention I clicked on Shirps and that took me to another screen and then I then created "Anything?".
Shirps Posted Jan 5, 2005
Ah well, that explains how you got here!
It's around 12.25am here & I've just finished going through all my finances - it all balances - we're going to the sales tomorrow to find a few new kitchen units. Sounds grand, but the units here are the same as when I came & the doors are falling off, the surfaces are going, etc. Reckon I deserve a few new units. Roger, my husband, is thinking about taking down some board at the end of the kitchen & exposing the old chimney - we daren't take down the chimney, because next door they have "bodgered" their side and the upper part of the chimney may collapse!! Looks as though I'm in for a bit of a dirty, dusty old time of it!
We live in a terrace house, therefore we share a chimney at the kitchen end
Roger was born in 1941 & I was born in 1956 (11th March) - that explains why he can remember wind up telephones & I can't
All for now time for
MoFoLo Posted Jan 5, 2005
So on April 1, 2001 you gave up what? Smoking? Drinking? Did you stick with it?
Got to hand it to Roger -- marrying a youngster. I told Bonnie that if she didn't shape up I was going to trade her in on a couple of 30 year olds. Then after I picked myself off the floor......
What is RSI???
Got to tell you that I admire you. With the med problems it would have been easy to have given up. But through tenacity I suspect your daughter learned from a good model.
Sounds like you guys are in for a bit of fun. Hope everything fits together with minumum effort. I didn't have a lot of fun when I replaced the countertop and kitchen sink a few years ago. That was my last major project. I was happy when it was complete and it was a right smart looking job. But, I guess I am basically lazy.
We are expecting a storm late tonight or early morning so I am going to hit the hay early in case I need a lot of extra time in getting to work. I work in Bowling Green which is about 35km south of here.
MoFoLo Posted Jan 5, 2005
I forgot to ask Is that Mud race anywhere near you? It got a mention on ESPN this morning as part of the Top Ten in Sports. It appears the contestants are all men. Where is the sport in that?
Shirps Posted Jan 5, 2005
I've asked my daughter to ask her husband - he knows alot about sport + I gave him a book on different sports for Christmas - should have held on to it longer!
Shirps Posted Jan 5, 2005
I tried to give up smoking, but failed, again Have tried a few times since to no avail, but I have seen the doc & when I phone someone, have an interview with them, they decide what "course" of treatment to give me ............ I still haven't made that phone call 6 months on! I really should take myself in hand as I have diabetes which "narrows the arteries"
Believe you me - I don't feel particularly young He grinned rather happily when I passed on your message
I don't blame Bonnie for reprimanding you I hope you didn't hurt the floor
RSI: Repetitive Strain Injury. Basically, 16 years ago I had a trigger finger (finger bends down & can't be straightened except by surgery) that was the first sign, but no one told me what had caused it. The following year another went down & then pain began in my arms & hands.
Anyway, I have had 4 separate trigger finger ops, carpal tunnel to both hands (which is quite common), cortisone (in US that may be cortizone!) to 3 other fingers, 3 cortisone jabs in left shoulder (tendinitis in the rotator cuff muscle of the shoulder) now awaiting further surgery on left hand & manipulation + jab in right shoulder.
My RSI has been diagnosed basically as tendonitis & tendinitis - inflammation of the tendon sheaths and tendons. Some "sufferers" have pain, but no sign of actual trauma, which is why when I first had it those people were labelled as "shirkers", so in some ways I was lucky that I did have a diagnosis.
The cause is repetitive movements - violinists get a form of it, factory workers such as cardboard box folders, chicken pluckers(!) can also get it. Mine was caused by keyboard work & that was before the "mouse" was invented, but since the computer keyboard.
Now they are very strong on posture at the keyboard - back straight, neck straight, shoulders not hunched forward, etc.
I saw a rheumatologist a few months back about the attacks of arthritis I have & he says that the problems I have with my shoulders, neck, arms & hands are probably aggravated because I have had underlying arthritis since my early twenties.
The thing was that I had to give up work when I was around 32 & had a really good job. C'est la vie!
IF you want to know any more - do ask!!
Thanks for the unneccesary "A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do"
Well we're back from a kitchen place - no decision, except that tomorrow that boarding has GOT TO come down before we can make proper measurements, etc.
Frankly, I think I must be lazy too - I would love to be able to say to a kitchen designer: "There's the kitchen - I want it fully fitted, with .... & decorated - now I'm going on holiday" Unfortunately, neither you nor I have the monies to do that Have a
Did you have a storm last night and was it bad? Have you got snow where you are?
PS I tend to take a while to type things out now, otherwise my hands claw down - that is how I can still use the keyboard. Hope I didn't bore you with it all, only it's a bit of a thing with me & I'm always warning people who do computer work to be careful
MoFoLo Posted Jan 6, 2005
Please, your conversations are not boring. As I age I find I want to know more. I am not sure why.
Your mentioning of posture reminds me back when I was in High school. There was a young lady there who sat and walked with a ram-rod straight back. I asked her if there was a medical condition or what. No, she just allways kept a straight posture. She was a very beautiful person in looks and personality. Her brother Jim in Junior school had been playing football with some friends and went home with a sore back. The next morning he could not move from the waist down. We graduated together in 1961. He was just like his sister. Exceptional good looks and fantastic personality. There were two other brothers. After I took a volunteer layoff from Millar Elevator, a division of Schindler Elevator I got a job as a security guard. I worked at a mental health facility near the inner city. There I met one of the other brothers. I knew that Jim had died recently from a blood clot, but was surprised to find out that his sister was killed riding a motorcyle and the other brother had been killed as a soldier. No real point to all of this but the remaining brother, also a very nice person, was very quiet and stayed apart from his collegues. All this came pouring out because the word posture reminded me of my only repeat class in English.
Any one who has had to put up with what you have deserves an . You need to throw away the cigs. I did it the easy way. I counted how many and when I smoked. Then I stopped smoking by adding time inbetween smokes. I got down to where I would not allow a smoke for at least an hour. Then an hour and a half and then two hours. Then for about three or four years I would allow myself one in the morning, one at lunch, and one at dinner. Then I got a very serious sore throat. I tried to smoke and it burn like the flames of hades. Stopped cold. Bonnie was having reflux problems and the doctor told her if she quit smoking it might reduce the reflux. She stopped cold. Different strokes and all that. You can do it. Just keep saying to yourself, "I am a level headed Pices and know that smoking is doing me wrong. I must quit. I am quitting. I quit." Or you could end up like several of my Aunties, carring around an oxygen tank. Good luck!
Sounds like Roger is going to have some serious work ahead redoing the cabinets. Who holds the nails and who does the hammering? Know what you mean about what pleasure it would be to have some one else do all the work. But Fairy Godmothers seem to be in short supply. I keep thinking it would be neat to win the lottery. But since I don't play the lottery I don't think that is going to work any better than finding the Fairy Godmother.
Not too bad this morning. Maybe a couple of inches of snow. While at work it rained and froze and then snowed some more. Snowed all the way home. More expected tonight and early morning. Temperatures about
0 C. It's when it gets to around -23 C that things start to slow down. We are in a snow belt area. Fortunately the north and south of us usually get more that we do. We normally average 2 to 25 cm during any one snow storm Cities north of us and south of us get 60 to 90 cm of snow. My Uncle in Erie, PA may get 1 to 2 meters. We get an occassional tornado but not much more than that. Right now a lot of Toledoans are very glad to be where we are.
Shirps Posted Jan 6, 2005
I've decided the reason I want to know more as I age is, basically, because I feel time is running away & I've already seemed to have wasted so much of it
What a sad story. I feel so sorry for families like that, especially when they all seem to have such alot going for them. It reminds of the saying "the good die young". Did the remaining brother work at the mental health facility or was he a patient?
It also makes me think about the recent Tsunami disaster - I've been watching the TV news & nearly always end up tearful: whole families that have disappeared leaving, maybe, just one child or a parent. It's just unbelievable that this could happen to so many people.
Ah, now don't you go nagging me about giving up - I know I must & I will. I need the right frame of mind & I'm afraid I have a bit of a rebel inside me: whenever they start talking about giving up on the TV/radio or R does a slight cough when I light up, then the rebel surfaces & I immediately reach for a cigarette. Half my brain says "no" & the other half says "just another one". A friend gave up by going to bed for 2 weeks with a good supply of whiskey If only I had the time
(My mother has emphasema - I don't think that is spelt correctly! - but is not on oxygen yet.)
Well, progress on the kitchen: R took down the boarding at the end (where we were hoping to find some old red bricks in the shape of a chimney) - aaargh! horror! We've left a message with a local builder!
-23 C!! Tornadoes !!! I think I am VERY glad to be living here in England! Roger said when he went ski-ing to Tignes in the French Alpes the temp was -20 C during the day & -40 C during the night, but they were rather high up. Les Deux Alpes where we went last December (03): the highest lifts were at 10,000 feet & the temp was -25 C with a 70 knot wind - chill factor????? Great lower down when the sun was out - I sunbathed on the balcony of the hotel room!
I had to give up after 1 & half days, because my arms had given out. Well, it had been 30 years since I went ski-ing last & now with the med probs .... I shouldn't have tried it really, but we went with a group of schoolchildren (R has friends that are still teachers & into sport) so it was a "bargain"!!
So you live around the Toledo area? Your uncle in Erie, PA: what does PA stand for? We will have to get the Atlas out & find all these places!
Hope you had a bearable day at work
I'll just finish my glass of then it's of to
for me!
Shirps Posted Jan 6, 2005
Mud Race: Daughter & husband couldn't find out anything!
I looked it up on the net, apparently there appear to be 2 sorts: racing through mud on foot & then another using vehicles!! Not sure which one you meant as I've never heard of either before! However the place mentioned for one race, Malden, is not near us.
We live in Northamptonshire: above London, bordering with Bedfordshire & Leicestershire & Buckinghamshire
MoFoLo Posted Jan 7, 2005
That is okay about the race. ESPN showed just about 5 seconds of the mud race because of all these men slogging through the mud and being covered head to toe. I think it was meant as humour.
Our family used to live in Bedford Township. Most of us lived in Temperance, and Lambertville, Michigan and a few lived in Toledo, Ohio. As my generation grew up we started moving all over the place. Uncle Bob and Aunt Frances moved to Cincinnati, Ohio and when he retired moved to Erie, Pennsylvania (PA) My Cousin Elaine stayed in Cinncinati and married Don. She died of cancer two years ago. I told that he couldn't go because he had been untruthful about his school attendance. About 2:00AM I got a call from Lima, OH that the State Police had
and I needed to pick him up. He was trying to get to Cinncinati to go to her funeral.
and I went to the funeral. He ended up having to do thirty days community service, an evening at a hosptial emergency room and I cannot remember the third condition. Because he didn't attend school the school administration contacted the state capital and
cannot get a driver's license until he is eighteen. One more year and counting. Uncle Bob just recently moved to Philadelphia , PA in with my cousin Bobbie Ann. Aunt Frances passed away three years ago from cancer. Uncle Bob is 83 years of age. He was still quite agile and spritely until he had an accident which banged up the bones a bit. The doctors told him he could no longer live alone. The last time I visited Philadelphia was about 35 years ago. One of the best vacations I ever had as a single person. This week end I try to remember to stop at Walden's Bookstore and pick up a UK map.
Re: the remaining brother. He was a counseler and I think was working towards being a therapist. He also worked out of a hospital working with people who have tried to commit suicide or gone off the deep end emotionally.
Re: the kitchen. Why is it important to find the bricks or chimney? Weren't you going to put the new units back in the same place the old units occupied?
We get a wide spectrum of temperatures here in Toledo. We are off Lake Erie. The -23 C usually only occurs once a winter and last only a week or two. Probalbly the bulk of our winter is around -6C give or take 6 degrees. People in the state of Maine would laugh themselves silly when we complain of our temperatures. -23C is warm to them.
Shirps Posted Jan 7, 2005
Someone sitting not too far away from me has seen a Rangemaster cooker that he rather likes the look of & he does most of the cooking.
(I must stress that my old cooker is on its last legs along with the fridge - it's a shame, but there it is )
However, to fit it into the kitchen it will have to go at the end, which, until the day before yesterday, was boarded up - we had no idea what was behind. Now we've found the bottom part of the chimney, but it is very low & there is a two-width brick bit sticking out. So, if it can all be taken down with a support girder (RSJ in England) put in higher up to literally support the chimney, then that will enable us to put this cooker in & will be easier to refit the kitchen without any nooks, crannies & alcoves Kitchen packs come in standard sizes so can be really awkward to fit in unusual sized places! I've taken a photo of what it looks like at present! How
is that!
A builder has at last come back to us & will be looking at it on Monday afternoon. The kichen sales finish on Wednesday (70% discount) so we should be able to sort it just in time - fingers crossed. My mother has agreed to store the flat pack kitchen units at her house & I suppose we would have the cooker standing in the lounge . I'm sure it will all be worth it
I didn't get a Christmas present from R because he wanted to buy me a laptop computer, however with the kitchen business getting just a little more expensive I have agreed with him that we'll leave the laptop till next year & a new kitchen will count for my Christmas, Valentine's Day (14 Feb - don't YOU forget now!), wedding anniversary 1 March & my birthday 11 March presents
I think that is extremely fair of me, don't you?
It sounds like is a bit of a handful BUT if he's been going through a tough time at school it can be understood. My elder brother (9 years older than me) played truant from his junior school, because he was bullied by the headmistress's son! My mother only found out when her friend said she had seen Graham in a shop during school time. In those days it was easily resolved: she moved him to a different school! Unfortunately, due to the increase of people on the planet (!) those sort of resources are no longer available.
Some schools in our country have started having a sort of pupil bullying committee, where those being bullied can go for help to other pupils, rather than involve the teachers, which usually ends up in more trouble for the individual suffering the torment. Maybe this idea came from the U.S.??
It is good that wanted to attend the funeral - that proves he is definitely good at heart
When I read Bedford Township I stopped for a moment! Roger was born & bred in Bedford (here that is)
Why did you move out of Lambertville - a very apt name for you particularly My parents knew a couple whose surname was Cannon, they lived in Cannons Drive, Cannons Park !!!
My mother will be 83 in September, but lives close by, so hopefully things will progress along Ok. My father died nearly 3 years ago, but it was a relief - he had a major stroke & had to be fed internally for .... 3 & half years. He was in a nursing home, but his speech had gone & he couldn't walk - so it was horrible for him & also our family. He choked to death they said - not very nice. As I said we considered it a great relief for him.
My uncle (Mother's brother) passed away 6 years ago - very unexpectedly - he was younger than my mother, but caught what we suspect was the first outbreak of MRSA.
Our family now is quite small: Mother, Brother & his wife & son (who doesn't look like he will ever get married), my daughter & her husband. Together with my husband - an extended family there as he has a daughter & son, both married & his son now recently has 2 boys (just over 2 & the 2nd was born 4th Dec). So R is a grandad. I'm still waiting, but I'm patient & she has to get her work/career sorted first.
I have one cousin, but he is a traitor - he moved over to the US to Michigan, got married & then "naturalised", had a son & then got divorced. As far as I know he is now in Illinois. I have tried to keep contact, but since his father died he doesn't try to contact me anymore. This was the first Christmas that I did not attempt to send a card. He is a pharmacology research doctor (Dr Nigel D Staite).
My brother, etc., live in Romford, Essex & my daughter lives in Newbury, Berkshire. R's son lives in Oxfordshire & daughter in Bedford.
I shouldn't have mentioned about tornadoes We have very high winds here at present & the rubbish men haven't collected the rubbish yet, so it is beginning to blow everywhere! The temp here is very mild: it is 6.12pm & the temp is 11 C.
I was up nearly all night last night, finally going to bed at 5am - I just couldn't sleep, I have no idea why! However, I managed to get a fair bit of paperwork done & read a fair bit more of the current book I'm getting through. So it wasn't a waste, but I just had to go back to bed during the day to catch up a little
I've run out of so will have to brave the wind tomorrow!
Are you a chocoholic?
Is Lakey Erie near the border with Canada?
Love to you & Bonnie (&, of course, )
MoFoLo Posted Jan 8, 2005
Bummer on the kitchen problem. I will cross my fingers and pray that the situation does not get any more complicated than what you seen so far. What fuels this Rangemaster when you get it installed? Our cooking and heating is natural gas. Well that is not entirely correct as I do a lot of cooking in the microwave oven. Bonnie quit cooking about a year before we discovered her illness. I used to do full meal cooking but the past year has mostly dwindled down to TV dinners and on weekends I do eggs and hot cakes.
I like the sound of 70% off. Don't blame you for investing in the kitchen upgrade at this time. A temporary stay in the lounge for the cooker not so bad. Better than no Rangemaster, eh?
has been a great kid. The bast few teenage years have been aggravating but when I see the problems other parents are having I feel blessed. He does have a good heart, but for some reason does not want anyone to know it. I will tell you more about him sometime in the future if interested.
I was hoping that there would be a tie in to Bedford. That was why I mentioned it. For some reason I have seen the name a good many times. I am sorry but I don't know whether from the mysteries I used to read (Agatha Christie was my favorite. I read every one of her books including the one written to be published after her death,) or maybe the Animal doctor, Herriot, turned author or a combination of several sources. I had a subscription to Punch for several years till they said they were closing out the magazine. Lambertville where I was raised was a farming community and my school untill shortly before my class graduated was called Bedford Agricultural.
The temperature has now settled down for a couple of days at 0 C or maybe a little warmer. The weatherman is promising us a few days next week around 10 C. If that proves out there will be a lot of happy campers here. (Just in case - this does not mean people who camp, just people who are happy. I am not sure this is a wide spread expression or just state side.)
Yes I am a chocoholic. That is why I do not buy it often. If I bought a bag of Hershey's minatures it would not last two days. My favorite flavor is the dark semi-sweet or Cadbury's chocolate covered liquid caramel. But I enjoy other candies as well. I love to try out new things and when ever I find candy from outside the US I try to buy some.
Lake Erie is bordered on the North by Canada, on the West by Michigan, the Southwest by Ohio, on the South by Pennsylvania, and on the East by New York. It is the fourth largest I beleive. I am pretty sure that the ranking is Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario.
My grandparents had eigth children. Seven of them produced twenty three children. I have no idea how many 2nd cousins I have. My mother and Dad just had me. Dad died when I was three. Mom had two boys by my first step-dad. Scott and Carl lived in San Diego California the last time I heard. That was around 20 - 25 years ago.
I think that was a good trade. A little wait will make the laptop all the more sweeter. The trade rumour is that Wal-Mart is going to be selling a laptop for just under 275 pounds. ($500 US dollars.) I am hoping that by this time next year the laptops will be a reasonable purchase. And then I can only hope that it stays that way for a couple of more years when I hope to be in the market for one.
Love to you and Rog. I really hope this kitchen goes fast and smooth. I love Buckwheat or buttermilk pancakes with 100% Canadian Maple Syrup, hash brown potatoes, and a couple of sausage patties, when you get the new Rangemaster going.
MoFoLo Posted Jan 10, 2005
Hi ,
It has been a wierd weekend. Just when I thought things were aimed at getting better, splat, something new comes along. Saturday after groceries I started to feel queazy and I got to revisit my lunch. I promised my bride a ride on Sunday. And for some reason the car will not start. I have no idea why at this point. So I had a towtruck take it to the Toyota dealer in hopes they can find out why. Monday I will tell BCWC(Behavioral Connections of Wood County) I am taking a vacation day and hope I get the car back in time to drive to work Tuesday. There goes money for at least one untility. The problem is figuring which one. I'll have to wait till the dealership calls with estimate.
So, hope you have made some progress in determining how the units are to go in to the kithchen. Or are you in the same boat as we that you have to wait till Monday.
I never made it to the bookstore and now it may have to wait a couple more weeks. Bonnie misplaced her new glasses Friday. I will have to see if she is eligible for new eyewear under her insurance or if we have to wait. We found her previous pair which had been misplaced but they don't fit right as I stepped on them when she accidently dropped them by the bed. They work to a degree but the frames are way out of alignment so she may be suffering distortion. At least Bonnie and I got to watch some movies together. We watched an oldie called "First Blood," "Lethal Weapon 3," and "What a Girl Wants" amongst others. In spite of not being able to go for her ride I think she enjoyed that we watched them together. I wish I could fathom what she thinks about. We watched "50 First Dates" which was bizarre and probably far from reality but there isn't too much difference from not remembering the day before and not remembering five minutes ago.
Any way I do hope you had a wonderful weekend. I am sure R will work things out and you will have your kitch back in spiffy shape.
TTFN as Tigger would say,
Shirps Posted Jan 10, 2005
Hi there!
Can't be long - builder coming to look in a minute at the kitchen - yes, can't get anything done till Monday - ie: today! Rang the council - the rubbish was there ALL weekend & most of it has blown into our garden (we've had quite high winds).
A gem from The Times newspaper this morning: "The earth is still ringing like a bell since the earthquake on Dec 26th, this, according to Australian scientists, corresponds to about a millimetre of vertical motion of the earth". Can you feel it?
Maybe this was the cause of your illness on Saturday - similar to sea sickness? Hope you're
Blessed pain about your car - like computers: they're wonderful when they work, but when they don't ..............
BCWC - is that where you work? What do they do?
Hmm, I think Bonnie ought to get a pair of those bendy frame glasses, so when you tread on them they would, hopefully, bounce back
It really has all come at once for you , they say things come in threes: tummy upset, car & glasses - you should be safe now
My mother stayed with us from New Year's Eve & in the afternoon we watched the first of the three Lord of the Rings films. Then we persuaded her to stay on Saturday to watch the second part, then again to stay on Sunday to watch the final part - she went home on Monday
My daughter & her husband gave us a basic DVD player & the Special Edition of LoTR on DVD (the one with the director's cuts included) for Christmas to say thank you for helping them out with their wedding So I think I can say truthfully it was a really good beginning to the New Year!
I've just discoverd this last year was the Year of the Monkey, well till 8th February '05. I'm a Monkey (NO comments PLEASE ), but I don't know if it really made any difference to MY year
Gotta go now - tell you about our "calm" weekend later.
Good luck with the car & glasses
MoFoLo Posted Jan 11, 2005
Getting near the end of our Monday. I really can not wait to get back to work. It takes my mind off the day to day problems at home. The dealership couldn't figure out what was wrong. Everything should have worked. Then I told them about the remote starter. Later they said it appears the computer of the remote was malfunctioning. If I could have found the papers showing the installation done at Best Buy I could have had it towed there and the removal of the remote system would have been free. I could find everything for the past 7 years except the remote installation done two years ago. So the dealership did it for a very steep price. But now I am on the road again. Yipee!!
BCWC is Behavioral Connections of Wood County. I handle the Mental Health billings for two of our four sites. The place is located in two cities in Wood county, Perrysburg and Bowling Green. We work with mental problems and drug problems. We even have a women's residential clinic for drug and alcohol abuse. We deal with both sides of domestic violence and run group therapy for sex offenders. Been there eight years.
Sounds like a wonderful start for the new year. Those were great films. Our Hollywood prides itself on putting out on occassion the best in entertainment. I personally put TLOTR's up with the Cival War classic "Gone with the Wind." Not only does the Ring have wonderful effects but some of the best combined acting the world will long remember. Very powerful film. I actually enjoyed it as much at the books which I have read a couple of times.
The ringing of the earth, uh. Well now that explains it then. All this time I thought it was my hearing aid. As for the motion, I thought maybe I took one of Bonnie's night time pills. Well it is good to know it was only the earth reacting to the eartquake. I read somewhere that it might have changed our revelution time a fraction of a second. But, it didn't say whether it added time to our day or subtracted time. Now that could be important if someone has an appointment, wouldn't you think?
Don't worry, I won't be calling you Monkey Girl. I will respect your handle of . I believe that I was born the year of the
. I'll have to check that out. Born in '43.
I read some where that Europe was having very high winds. Are these winds unusual? Maybe has to do with the earthquake and the resulting Tsunami?
Best to U & R,
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- 13: Shirps (Jan 6, 2005)
- 14: Shirps (Jan 6, 2005)
- 15: MoFoLo (Jan 7, 2005)
- 16: Shirps (Jan 7, 2005)
- 17: MoFoLo (Jan 8, 2005)
- 18: MoFoLo (Jan 10, 2005)
- 19: Shirps (Jan 10, 2005)
- 20: MoFoLo (Jan 11, 2005)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."