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where do i go from here

Post 1


Ive been to many places on this small planet but i can't quite decide where to settle, It's going to have to be this country what with the little sprogs and things but where to go for the best. I've lived in Manchester, Preston, Oldham, London, Scotland and on or two other countries for a short while. I've seen some good football in theses places I've seen some bad the best being in Manchester, Utd that is but don't hold that against me. I cant stay where I am I'm out growing it. I need sugestions where are you? why are you where you are? what would it be like being where you are? Let me know, it could just make a difference to who I become.If the world keeps rotating at the speed it is then I will fall off. I won't be able to stop it happening, it's inevitable. Gravity will no longer be constant and the flotation of the world economy will vastly fill my bank account, number not supplied. Post me info you might just save a life, without having to give blood, but that's another story

where do i go from here

Post 2



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where do i go from here

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