This is the Message Centre for destiny

Hi ya destiny

Post 1


I love your choice of fiction/fact - I am a great lover of Sci-Fi myself - Just finished watching Voyager.

I have already spoken to The Apple Master at:

It looks like you will fit in here but remember when you start using that furtile imagination to get a guide entry accepted - it has to be factual. I know (Doom & Gloom)

DNA the founder and guru of h2g2 will be appearing on Tomorrows World on Wednesday BBC so the site wil be really hectic after the show.

Any help wanted ? pop over to my Compost Heap and I will do my best to help. Lots of links that may interest you including the who is on line link which lead me here.
Catcha soon
vegimansmiley - smiley

Hi ya destiny

Post 2


cheers for the welcome. It feels great to know that everyone here
is interested in the things that people write. Seeya

Hi ya destiny

Post 3


Nice of you to reply. If you need anything to help you around this great site - just pop over to my compost heap. (click on my name)

Catcha soon

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