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Hi destiny / Dale

Post 1

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Hi Destiny and welcome to h2g2! I hope you enjoy your time here! I see you've written an introduction and chosen a nicname - a great start. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask me, or any of the other ACEs at . It looks like you'll fit in here just fine - looking forward to see some interesting Guide Entries from you smiley - smiley. I particularly love Norse Mythology. I learnt about it when I was about nine and found it so hilarious. I just love the creation-of-the-world story involving the land of Ice and Fire and a cow called Amdula, responsible for creating the Gods. It deserved a Guide Entry - are you into Norse Myths at all?

Remember, feel free to ask any questions,


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Hi destiny / Dale

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