This is the Message Centre for You can call me Cheryl.....

My name aint boring!!!!

Post 1

You can call me Cheryl.....

Seeing as you have some thing to do with hats (???) would you have any information on art foundation courses in london or the south west?

My name aint boring!!!!

Post 2

Mike A (snowblind)

I don't, but would like the show you the 'reply' button in this forum...
Ok, that sounds a bit snide, sorry about that. I'm another ACE, so I'll be helping you get as much out of the guide as possible.

Click 'reply' at the end of this post, and you will 'reply' to what I've said!
Finally, don't ever worry about accidently doing silly things on the guide. I did enough things which, on reflection, I prefer not to tell people about!

My name aint boring!!!!

Post 3

Mike A (snowblind)

As I posted that, you updated your homepage...

Ok, I'll explain for you. H2G2 is based around a guide to life on earth. Have you read the Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy books by Douglas Adams? That's what this site is about, it's a guide. You can write articles about whatever subject turns you on (or off, if you wish). If you think your work is exceptionally good you can submit it to the official guide.

The chat facilities here are what people use the most. You get kids here who use the site for the sole purpose of chatting. You could well spend most of your time in the forums, but the basis of the site is with the guide.
Oh, btw, a forum is where you do the talking. Where you are now, reading this, is a forum.

For a better explanation of everything you can click on the Don't Panic button in the goo at the top of the screen. It is very big and detailed, so just pick out the bits you need help on.

Still stuck? Just call me...

Hey thanks!!!

Post 4

You can call me Cheryl.....

I know you are an 'ACE' which means that you are probably some kind of 'cyber robot' posting messages on auto' - but hey, I'll forgive you because you sounded so human - thankyou for a very nice introduction...

Hey thanks!!!

Post 5


Sorry I can't help with "if you have done or are doing some sort of course in fashion design as I would like some opinions and advice..."

Absolutely useless, me smiley - smiley

Though if you'd like any help doing up your page - let me know smiley - bigeyes

Hey thanks!!!

Post 6

You can call me Cheryl.....

Darling, help is what I need!!

Hey thanks!!!

Post 7


Interior design @ h2g2 is my forte - clothing etc you'll have to look elsewhere.
Though I see you've got the lingo down pat smiley - winkeye


Hey thanks!!!

Post 8

Mike A (snowblind)

You think I'm a droid? I mindless, faceless slave of this site? Hooo boy, you got me wrong there, hooo boy you have indeed! I may just have to kick your ass for that smiley - winkeye

Just kidding...

I ain't no droid. Honest to god (who is marilyn manson smiley - winkeye), I can show you stuff I've done that no other researcher would dare to do in a thousand years...

Hey thanks!!!

Post 9

You can call me Cheryl.....

OK, so can you help me with the Art and Design College thingy? How long has this site been up and running? I feel like its still in the 'starting up' process - would I be wrong in thinking this?

Hey thanks!!!

Post 10

Mike A (snowblind)

H2G2 is nearly a year old. It's first birthday is on April 28th.
There's gonna be a parade to celebrate it, y'know? An online arade, I mean. I would explain it but it confused me when I read about it, a bit. Maybe Bruce can help...

Hey thanks!!!

Post 11


I know nothing - where did you read about it?


Hey thanks!!!

Post 12

Mike A (snowblind)

Irving Washington at the Aroma Cafe, or thereabouts. If you go to his page there will be a link there.
If you want to read his explanation to a confused person, go through the list of conversations attatched to my homepage (not the list of fourums on the right). The thread is called 'Congrats Mike'.

Though these instructions may do a good job of confusing other people *^_^*

Hey thanks!!!

Post 13


LOL - OK I'm off to be (even more) confused smiley - winkeye

btw I notice that the Layla midi made it onto your home page - if Peta ever notices she'll be dropping around constantly - she really likes that midi smiley - bigeyes

Hey thanks!!!

Post 14

You can call me Cheryl.....

OK, But maybe you could help me with this insy problem I've been having? Why is it that anyone who visits this site from this particular computer gets instantly transported to my homepage - this troubles me - is there a way round this?

Hey thanks!!!

Post 15


Yep - they can log in as you because the site uses a 'cookie' to recognise you.

To get around this you should click the 'My details' button on the left in the 'goo' on your homepage & then set your self a password. Then before you leave h2g2 click on the 'logout' button in the 'goo'.
Then no one will be automatically recognised as you until they enter your email addy & password smiley - smiley


Hey thanks!!!

Post 16


Strange but I don't feel any more confused than normal - the Parade sounds like a good plan - I hope someone's mentioned it to Peta so it can/might be included in any official celebrations smiley - smiley


Hey thanks!!!

Post 17

You can call me Cheryl.....

Thankyou once again! What a friendly bunch you all are...

Hey thanks!!!

Post 18


No worries - anytime smiley - smiley


Hey thanks!!!

Post 19

Mike A (snowblind)

Hey, well done Bruce! I wouldn't have been able to answer that myself, y'know.

Heh, the MIDI...I was peeping around the GuideML Clinic and found you'd been helping this guy out with homepage sounds. Since you had the code for the Layla MIDI there in the forum, I gladly borrowed it. As I've said before, it's real class smiley - smiley

Hey thanks!!!

Post 20

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing. You guys sound like you know what you're doing. Can you tell me how to get my homepage fixed? I put a long string of smiley - smiley's in my journal and stretced out my whole page! Hi Cheryl.

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