Journal Entries

What is "FiveLongYears"?

FIVELONGYEARS Written by Eddie Boyd 19-who cares?

"Have you ever been mistreated? You know what I'm talking about. Have you ever been mistreated? You know just what I'm talking about. I spent Five Long Years with one woman, she had the nerve to put me out. I got a job in a steel mill, shucking steel like a slave. Five Long Years every Friday, I come straight home with all my pay. Have you ever been mistreated? You know just what I'm talking about. I went Five Long Years for one woman, she had the nerve to put me out. I finally learned my lesson. Should a long time ago, next woman that I marry, she's gonna work and bring me the dough. Have you ever been mistreated? You know just what I'm talking about. I spent Five LOng Years with one woman. She had the nerve, she had the nerve, she the nerve- to put me out.
The Best CD to buy this is Eric Clapton-From the cradle. I say this cause it's one of the greatest Blues Cd's of all time, in my humble.

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