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Please, do not be alarmed...

Post 1


... I always tend to make people tremble when I just turn up out of the blue.

Well Greggers, I have been keeping a close eye on you. It always piques my interest when someone confesses to be a staunch follower whilst living the debauched lifestyle, that would make many rockstars blush...

Still, living in the heartland of America, and remaining this side of insanity, must be a miracle in itself... smiley - winkeye

smiley - fish - THE chairman of the board...

Please, do not be alarmed...

Post 2


Thanks Daddy-O!! Hey!! while I have you here, mind if I pick your brain? I got a few questions.
1) Is Elvis really dead?
2) How many lick does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie roll pop?
3) Does size really matter?
4) Platypus. ?

Thanks in advance!! by the way, great work on that Salma Hyack project.!!

Please, do not be alarmed...

Post 3


Hmmm....Well if you really want to know.

Firstly, it’s St.Elvis to you. So, that at least partly answers your question. Yes, part of our response to dwindling numbers of people at MY church, was to get a little ‘funky’ in our Canonisation Department. So that stars like Elvis, who lived somewhat by the rules of his homespun Christian ethic, might be hijac....recruited into saintly affairs. Who knows, smiley - winkeye you might just be in time to catch the triple bill onstage at the Heavenly Delights Showroom. Comprising of Elvis, Frank Sinatra and Lennon & McCartney...

Secondly, it’s an Official Celestial Trade Secret, if I told you, I would incur the wrath of many gods, and I would have to smite you...

Thirdly. Well, if you are hung like a Kentucky Derby winner, you have a terrible time finding suitable clothes. Why do you think Rasputin went around in a flowing religious garments, it wasn’t for his faith... smiley - winkeye

Fourthly. Yes, it’s a bit silly. I had all these spare parts left over, and it seemed a waste to just leave them. Much the same as the more prominent of male accessories oo smiley - bigeyes

Lastly. Ah... Salma, I’m glad you appreciated my work, when I get a little bit creative. smiley - bigeyes Personally, I find more beauty in horsehead nebulas, but maybe you have to be an immortal to truly understand that...

smiley - fish - Walking through Eternity - You tend to go a little bit potty...

Please, do not be alarmed...

Post 4


If your GOD, why do all your smilely faces have glasses? are you sayiny ur not perfect? are ya saying ur near sighted? I duno if i'm compfy with that. greggers

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