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Happy Birthday.
Demon Drawer Started conversation Apr 24, 2000
Hi Orinoco I spotted from the Birthdays' page that it's your big day. And from your homepage that your are leaving your teenage years behind. Having recently completed my twenties decade may I just say enjoy, hold tight, it'll be some adventure.
Happy Birthday.
Boswell Posted Apr 25, 2000
Thank you but i think the 23rd is a better day-i didnt know it was shakespeares b'day(man of the millenium no less)For the next three monthes I'll still probabley put 19 as my age on forms but there we go
Happy Birthday.
Demon Drawer Posted Apr 25, 2000
Well considering I worked overtime on the weekend of my 29th, I just couldn't face up to the fact I was getting old. Then was fine when the guys surprised me on my 30th. What a difference that year made.
I couldn't face getting old, but saw 30 as being a challenge when I got there.
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Happy Birthday.
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