This is the Message Centre for cumulonimbus


Post 1

Metal Chicken

Hello Cumulonimbus and welcome to H2G2 since it looks like you're new around here.
I spotted your name in the "Who's online" pop-up thingy and just had to pop over to see if you'd picked your interesting name because of any links to aviation. You see, I'm an occasional glider pilot and the sport leads to an obsession with all things meteorolgical, particularly nice cumulonimbus clouds promising great flying weather.
Or maybe you just like watching the clouds fly by. This is of course just as respectable a pass-time, but I much prefer to be up there with them than down below looking up smiley - smiley


Post 2


sorry we did not respond earlier our computer crashed so we have not been here recently. (we are a we because we are a family of researchers) unfortuneatly we are not called cumulonimbus because of any links to flying. to us cumulonimbus is only a very pretty cloud seen from bellow

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