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Yet another SubEd...

Post 1


Looks like you're getting quite populer with us SubEds smiley - smiley

I've posted a few notes about your entry on Leprosy. If you could read them and send them back soon I'd be very grateful smiley - smiley


Yet another SubEd...

Post 2


hey, im new to this so i've only just now found the peer review comments, and everybody seems to agree that order should be changed. maybe with history first and i quite agree. i dont know if it's too late but if that could be changed then it would be great. i don't know if you can do that or if it's up to me. if it is up to me then tell me and just hope it doesnt get deleted in the process.
thanks a lot -cumulonimbus

Yet another SubEd...

Post 3


I've changed the order of the headings according to your comments on the entry comment thread, and edited the names to make it sound less like an encyclopedia entry and more like an "Official" Guide Entry smiley - smiley.

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