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Uncle Shelby

Post 1


Are you still active? I was just having a rummage through the guide to see if there was an entry on Shel Silverstein with a view to writing one if there wasn't. I'm a great Shel fan, so just to let you know I just posted the Peer Review page suggesting your entry for the edited guide. Hope you don't mind.

Uncle Shelby

Post 2


I don't mind, I'm just not overly happy with what I wrote. For someone who is as funny and original as Shel, that entry is drier than excrament. I wrote it, didn't like it, figured I'd modify it later. Later hasn't happened yet. Any ideas?

Uncle Shelby

Post 3


Not really! I love his work, but I know very little about him, so I'd just be regurgitating what I find on his book dust jackets. I posted a few links in the thread on the HELP thread on the page itself which might come in handy, and several other Shel fans seem to have come out of the woodwork both there and on the Peer Review page, so maybe they can help contribute too.

For what its worth, I rather liked the entry. smiley - smiley It may be a little dry and factual in places (the "is survived by" read a bit too much like a straight obit for my taste, and I don't really find myself caring about his parents) but it told me things about him I didn't know already, and the main thing is it says _something_ about him. I just think there should be an entry on him; and I'm pretty sure I'm not the one to write it smiley - sadface

I seem to have stirred up a bit of a hornets nest though; there's lots of discussion about whether you are still reading H2G2 and what to do with the entry if you're not. Glad to see that you are: that takes care of that then. smiley - biggrin

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