This is the Message Centre for Patriarch

Goddag og Velkommen!

Post 1

Santragenius V

Which basically just means "Hello and Welcome" (in case your Danish is not that polished and up-to-date smiley - smiley).

Have a good time at H2G2 -- it's a rather strange, very interesting & absolutely funny place to spend a harrowing amount of time...!

For info, you can turn to the Don't Panic section from every page -- that's H2G2ish for Help and FAQ combined. Or, have a go at the ACEs (Assistant Community Editors) - we're actually here to be helpful. You'll find links to our page off the front page -- where you can also look up a link to the forum for newcomers this week. Both are in Peta's section...

Enjoy smiley - fish


Goddag og Velkommen!

Post 2

Demon Drawer

Or to make it easier will take you to the ACEs homepage. Just show you were new so popped by to say welcome as well. smiley - smiley Here have a fish smiley - fish.

Slainte (or if you Irish isn't up to scratch "Cheers")

DD smiley - smiley

Goddag og Velkommen!

Post 3

Santragenius V

That is what you risk when your're being lazy in a forum... smiley - smiley

Demon Drawer is absolutely right in serving the link for you -- I just didn't have it available when I wrote the "hello" above and didn't take the time to go looking for it...

Now we're at it, here's another one: At is one of our more prominent bars, The Forum and Firkin - compelete with lounge music (though I'm not sure you can hear that over the din in the forums).

Best Regards,


Goddag og Velkommen!

Post 4

Demon Drawer

smiley - smiley

Goddag og Velkommen!

Post 5


Cheers for all the information, guys! I'll get my life sorted out, then I'll do something about it! smiley - bigeyes

Goddag og Velkommen!

Post 6

Santragenius V

Phew, that's ambitious, methinks smiley - smiley I know that if I had to do things like that, I'd most likely have to do something about it, and then get my life sorted out. That'll take most of a lifetime, won't it? smiley - winkeye

As for info, you're mostly welcome! Need anything (of that sort), just give us a yell...


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