Journal Entries

Buffalo Soldier

Discovered Bob Marley's greatest hits yesterday.. have been a little woozy as a result.

Oooh... Fighting an arrival.. fighting for survival.. ooh... ohh... yah...

No idea today. But I start what is called 'a new job' today.

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Latest reply: May 18, 1999

Earth IQ

I'm not actually very smart, but hey! what can one expect from an earthling?

Anyhow, I'm here, and I'm a new researcher for H2G2, and well, if Mr. Prefect needs some more info about my home planet, then I can try and help as much as possible.

First thing's first, I finally found out what QED stands for. But I'm not going to tell you, because I had to look it up all by my very own and so should you!

More later.

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Latest reply: May 9, 1999

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