This is the Message Centre for Elizabeth

Other Researchers

Post 1


A massive total of TWO smiley - winkeye researchers have acknowledged my HP's existance. This has quite clearly gone to my head and I have started a list of 'Other Researchers' on my HP.
You are on it now.
As it is a user page - I can remove your name if you so wish.

Other Researchers

Post 2

Roy, Not Marvin

Quite clever...... I can see where this is going....

Other Researchers

Post 3


Roy. Any way of encouraging constant feedback on user pages - I'm up for it.

My plan:
1)type in pages the best I can (trash)
2)get feedback
3)redo page with feedback
4)repeat until smug
5)submit as if I wrote it all by myself smiley - winkeye

Another forum I am in is "constructive critisism" where users can list their pages inviting reviews. As long as people can be bothered, and feedback against the individual article, this should be of some use.

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