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Ewoks - those nice little teddy bears

Ewoks are tiny, bear-looking creatures who live in the moon of Endor. They may look harmless and sweet, but under their hair there's a great, cruel warrior. This was proved in the battle of Endor. (see The Return of the Jedi)
Ewoks live in trees. This is quite obvious because the moon they live in is nothing but forest. Ewoks have built quite big villages up in the trees. The huts are connected with bridges made of wood.
Ewoks love to dance and they have good sense of rhythm. They also have battle horns which are played when battle starts. Ewoks have realized that from the storm troopers' helmets comes quite nice sound. I suppose Boba Fett's helmet could do that, too.
Ewoks don't trust on people or creatures they've just met. To be a friend with an ewok you have to have a cookie or to be their god. (at least look like one)
Ewoks don't have spaceships. They've realized that their own forest is a fine place to live. Besides, they haven't had to go anywhere to meet other species. They came to ewoks.

PS. But there's a legend about one ewok who left the moon. The ewok never came back, but rumours were told that she goes around the galaxy adventuring with four other creatures.

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