Journal Entries

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Where did all of my things go? Why are there none of my conversations, journal entries or anything else? Did I do something wrong?

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Latest reply: Apr 21, 2001

The new look

Well, I did it. I finally gained the courage to update little page. I was terribly worried that if I dared try to do anything to it I might mess up and break something. Finally, after not having the time to join my new friends in h2g2 for quite some time I returned feeling the strength to give it a try. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2000

today i am sad

Why do people purchase or receive for free pets that they do not really want? They must not want them because they never pay attention to them. I see these people who own cats but never go near them or allow them into their home. They own dogs but keep them in a small pen never thinking about the heat and how miserable it makes the poor thing.
I mention this because down the road from me is the sweetest most gentle dog I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. This dog is meant for cold climates, he is covered in long thick fur. Never once has this dog, to my knowledge, been bathed or groomed. Never has this dog been allowed inside (even during the worst of heats). Never have I seen the first person who lives in this house play with this dog. It just wanders from one end of his pen to the other smiley - sadface. What makes me even sadder is that this is not a freak occurance, it happens all the time. You do not have to look far to see a pet being ignored. So tell me, why do people have pets they do not want? If they treat their pets this way how must they treat their fellow man? smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: May 23, 2000

cleaning house

I have so much that I would love to put on my page but fear it is beginning to get a bit cluttered smiley - sadface....I really do need to figure out a way to show all the lovely things I have been given and to introduce everyone to all the great visitors I have had without having such a cluttered mess. It begins to get difficult to follow once so much gets placed here. I will figure it out soon and then it will be tidy again smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Apr 23, 2000

baby steps

i am now a week into settling in my new home and have learned how to do a few more things to make my page appear more pleasing to the eye. i must say that the codes are not as scary as i thought so when i first began looking at them. i think that the h2g2 team deserves a big thank-you and pat on the back for this, at least from me because i am not at all used to this and to be able to figure it out so quickly is quite suprising smiley - smiley.

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Latest reply: Apr 2, 2000

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Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies )

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