This is the Message Centre for Lord Falk LeGrey

Eric Idle

Post 1


Personally my favourite quote by him begins:

"Soooooooooommme things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad..."

smiley - smiley

Eric Idle

Post 2


"Other things just make you swear and curse..."

Just don't tempt me to sing the whole song... smiley - biggrin

Eric Idle

Post 3

Lord Falk LeGrey

Hehee, I always remember his special grin... smiley - biggrin
*carries two bunch of coconuts* smiley - winkeye

Eric Idle

Post 4

Lord Falk LeGrey

Hehee, I always remember his special grin... smiley - biggrin
*carries two bunch of coconuts* smiley - winkeye

Eric Idle

Post 5

Lord Falk LeGrey

Hehee, I always remember his special grin... smiley - biggrin
*carries two bunch of coconuts* smiley - winkeye

Eric Idle

Post 6

Lord Falk LeGrey

Hehee, I always remember his special grin... smiley - biggrin
*carries two bunch of coconuts* smiley - winkeye

Eric Idle

Post 7


I couldn't avoid singing that one in a Cockney accent if I tried!

Eric Idle

Post 8

Lord Falk LeGrey

Hehee, I had Monty Python CD with me when I was working today. It always makes a good atmosphere... smiley - smiley

Eric Idle

Post 9

Lord Falk LeGrey

Hehee, I had Monty Python CD with me when I was working today. It always makes a good atmosphere... smiley - smiley

Eric Idle

Post 10


With the Finland song on, sung by Michael Palin?

Eric Idle

Post 11


"Finland, Finland, Finland, the country where I want to be..."

Eric Idle

Post 12


What on earth does he yell in between the last two choruses?

Eric Idle

Post 13

Lord Falk LeGrey

*Lord F is too tired to hear it*
I'll have to chech it for next time... smiley - laugh

Eric Idle

Post 14


I believe it's "all together, fennophiles" or however you spell it... smiley - tongueout

Michael Palin

Post 15


That makes sense now I think about it...

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