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Hi there!

Post 1


Welcome to h2g2! I know this can seem a big place, with lots going on (and it is, of course smiley - winkeye), but it's also full of friendly people, so don't be shy about jumping in and joining any conversations you run across. smiley - smiley

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Hope you enjoy your stay! Be seeing you. smiley - smiley


Hi there!

Post 2

Researcher 99947

The one night I'm available for ACEing duties, you beat me to the punch!

We miss you on ICQ, btw smiley - sadface

Howdy Mr. Wizard! Is that the name of a TV programe, or am I imagining things?

Hi there!

Post 3


Sokay, Sporky... You just went the other way. smiley - smiley

Mr Wizard

Post 4

Mr Wizard

The Mr Wizard I am refering to is from the Wizard Of Oz. I am a Wizard of great pretentions, kind heart, but very little true power. In life I am a chef and run the night shift for a large cafe in a 4000 person office blg. I don't get much time for magic. Thank you for your message I hope to hear from you again.

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