This is the Message Centre for Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)
Happy Birthday Kheldar!
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Mar 21, 2002
<---That's a course on
aversion therapy.
<---That's a free tour around Cleethorpes to be cashed in anytime.
<---That's a mystery
whatever you wish.
I hope I haven't made you with all these smileys...
Happy Birthday Kheldar!
Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) Posted Mar 21, 2002
Thanks a lot ! And just for once, I will gladly accept all the smileys that are given to me today
~big hugs all around ~
Gelukkig verjaardag Kheldar!
Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) Posted Mar 21, 2002
Oh I have *two* English people trying to learn Dutch I have to worry about
~rolls eyes~
Gelukkig verjaardag Kheldar!
shazzPRME Posted Mar 21, 2002
You love it really Kheldar!
I take it you will be having more drinkies tonight? Poor TM still hasn't recovered from last night btw!
Gelukkig verjaardag Kheldar!
Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) Posted Mar 22, 2002
Well...I did have a *few* drinks...yes
Just not at HK, I went over to our chairman for a nice b-day party on location
Gelukkig verjaardag Kheldar!
shazzPRME Posted Mar 23, 2002
Indeed we are
We're going bowling with Rutger, Marc and Vitho and then coming home, grabbing a taxi (and Daniel) and coming over... but not until after the football apparently!
Gelukkig verjaardag Kheldar!
Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism ) Posted Mar 23, 2002
I've changed my mind abd decided to go by bike after all, that will save me some trouble.
Gelukkig verjaardag Kheldar!
Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism ) Posted Mar 23, 2002
That, and a crowded cab doesn't sound all that comfy and exiting for that matter.
Gelukkig verjaardag Kheldar!
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Mar 21, 2006
Have I been wishing you Gelukkig verjaardag for five years, Kheldar?
All the best, have a fabulous day, wherever you are...(and come back here sometime to say hello)
Gelukkig verjaardag Kheldar!
shazzPRME Posted Mar 21, 2006
The vernal equinox rolls around again - at least the trees are finally showing a few buds here now...
Typical really! A nice quiet weekend and then two party invites roll in for the same Saturday!
Have a good day Kheldar - we'll see if we can track you down for a few beers tonight
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Happy Birthday Kheldar!
- 1: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Mar 21, 2002)
- 2: Peta (Mar 21, 2002)
- 3: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Mar 21, 2002)
- 4: Zak T Duck (Mar 21, 2002)
- 5: shazzPRME (Mar 21, 2002)
- 6: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Mar 21, 2002)
- 7: shazzPRME (Mar 21, 2002)
- 8: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Mar 21, 2002)
- 9: shazzPRME (Mar 21, 2002)
- 10: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Mar 22, 2002)
- 11: shazzPRME (Mar 22, 2002)
- 12: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Mar 23, 2002)
- 13: shazzPRME (Mar 23, 2002)
- 14: Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism ) (Mar 23, 2002)
- 15: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Mar 23, 2002)
- 16: Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism ) (Mar 23, 2002)
- 17: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Mar 26, 2002)
- 18: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Mar 21, 2006)
- 19: Max Headroom 4m2 (LesBeest ) (Mar 21, 2006)
- 20: shazzPRME (Mar 21, 2006)
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