This is the Message Centre for Ernesto Pix

All that you can see through it :)

Post 1


And it has shown you the wonder that is The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Soll III Edition smiley - smiley I am Crescent, an Assistant Community Editor, a meeter and greeter, a lender of helping hands, a guide to The Guide smiley - smiley I am here to help. Any questions, problems then ask me by yelling from this forum, or click on my name, above, and leave a message on my homepage. If I take too long to answer the other ACE's can be found at . They are all friendly and one is bound to be able to help smiley - smiley As a newly fledged member of the community The Newcomers Page is a vital resource, full of info and links. You can find this page at but, for now I have to dash, so until later...
BCNU - Crescent

All that you can see through it :)

Post 2


Ditto to that... ~Greebo nods her head at Crescent's words of wisdom...~... Me to would like to welcome you to h2g2... ~grin~ ... here's a few more pages to take a look at when you find the time...
The H2G2 post (community newspaper):-
Greebo's Party:-
Greebo & Oss' Word Game:-

It can be really fun here... and on the serious side... there are simply hundreds of things to look up via the h2g2 search engine... and.. ~grin~... if you can't find what you are looking for... then maybe you should write an entry about it...

Anyway... must be off now... got to see about getting a doughnut... or two... ~grin~... unless you have some me can eat... ~hopeful grin~

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All that you can see through it :)

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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