This is the Message Centre for ted.tfl3.113713

Time Capsule

Post 1


This is to be a time capsule which will be opened in the year 3000. Since this is a virtual TC there is an unlimited amount of room so put in whatever you like (please no perishables),(well, only if they're really tasty).

Time Capsule

Post 2


Since this time capsule is going to be buried under my page I'm going to put in the first item. Well here it is, a No.2 pencil. I have a feeling they will be pretty rare in the year 3000.

Time Capsule

Post 3


I would like to add a picture of shania twains navel. the reason for this is that everyone has already started to forget about the controversy it started when first revealed to the world. In the Late 90's it was a very serious issue to many people. Besides- It's a fairly attractive navel too

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