This is the Message Centre for Legolas the Slart

The Confidence of Youth

Post 1



Great page Slarti.
A lot of hard work and inspired thought I imagine.
Thanks for the mention.

If the Maths is anything like the Page, it should be A++.

One day, when I'm thirteen again, perhaps I'll be able to do some of that stuff.smiley - bigeyes

Good Luck with exams & everything.

The Confidence of Youth

Post 2

Legolas the Slart

Hoome page writing won't get me good grades though (I wish it would as web design is definatly more fun than resion!
Slartismiley - smiley

The Confidence of Youth

Post 3

Legolas the Slart

Hoome page writing won't get me good grades though (I wish it would as web design is definatly more fun than resion!
Slartismiley - smiley

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