This is the Message Centre for AXR (empty)
Welcome, AXR
Si Started conversation Mar 2, 2000
An official ACE (Assistant Community Editor, your friend in time of need) will probably be along soon to wish you well and offer a helping hand through this, our flashy cyber-extravaganza. In the meantime, let me be the first to say, "Hi" and offer to be of any assistance I can.
Me? I'm a latent sub-editor who's thinking about becoming an ACE instead and you, you lucky devil, were the user I elected to practice on!
If Peta asks, tell here how impressed you were .
Welcome again, have fun and don't forget to ask if you need any help.
Welcome, AXR
AXR (empty) Posted Mar 3, 2000
Muchas Gracias,
for your welcome, normaly I speak german, but now sitting in Spain ...
checked your site and think I will read some of your entries soon,
but I have to be careful not to spend to much time here, because I should work ...
Hasta luego
Welcome, AXR
Bluebottle Posted Apr 10, 2000
Work??? What's that??
Hello AXR! What's it like being a Space Judge? Just wondering as I'm currently a law student. What qualifications do you need?
Welcome, AXR
AXR (empty) Posted Apr 10, 2000
worK ... mmhh ... it's somethinG that
1) Keep's you off the street's, robinG old ladys (what is quite Good)
2) Keep's you off the Internet (what is quite annoyinG)
and I haven't any idea, what I will have to do as (space) JUDGE , neither of laws
I just went to the employment office at Spacecenter ( ) 3 days aGo
and wanted to became JUDGE
... and now I am !!!
Welcome, AXR
Bluebottle Posted Apr 10, 2000
Well, congratulations on your judgeship! Does that mean I have to call you "My lord" and bow to you?
So tell me, why do you like capital Gs?
Welcome, AXR
AXR (empty) Posted Apr 10, 2000
do I have to have a reason for capital Gs, just like them and it's easier then capital As ,or ?!
and as lonG as you are not in the courthouse, you can call me like you want
(... nearly )
Welcome, AXR
Bluebottle Posted Apr 10, 2000
I hope you don't expect to be called "my Lord" all the time - we wouldn't want it going to your head!
But you're right about those Gs. No reason why the shouldn't be capitalised.
Welcome, AXR
AXR (empty) Posted Apr 12, 2000
just one tip: if you, for what reason ever; come to the courthouse, it may help you with your problem to call me "my Lord"
Welcome, AXR
Bluebottle Posted Apr 20, 2000
Okay, I'll remember to do that.
Is it also true that giving you small peices of rectangular paper with the Queen's head on one side may also help with the case?
Welcome, AXR
AXR (empty) Posted May 2, 2000
THAT is definitly NOT TRUE ... it could make your case worse ...
Welcome, AXR
Bluebottle Posted May 2, 2000
That's what I told the opposition, I said that you were honest and couldn't be bribed, but no, they insisted that you were corrupt and evil....
Welcome, AXR
AXR (empty) Posted May 2, 2000
evil ... mmh ... sometimes I like to be evil, you can have so much fun beeinG evil
but I hate corruption ...
Welcome, AXR
Bluebottle Posted May 2, 2000
So, you could always be an evil judge who isn't corrupt - and just sentence the innocent and let the guilty go free just for the fun of it....?
Welcome, AXR
AXR (empty) Posted May 2, 2000
the really innocent (when they exsist?) havn't to fear anythinG and what's bad to be evil with the Guilty (that can be quite funny too)
... but in many cases there are no innocent, anyway .......
Welcome, AXR
Bluebottle Posted May 2, 2000
How about cases of child kidnapping or child murders/attacks? The children are normally innocent.
And few people are really that evil, are they?
Welcome, AXR
AXR (empty) Posted May 2, 2000
I think there are different levels of innocent. Compared with murderer etc. the most victims are innocent and the murderer have to get the full power of the law ... no mercy!
... and so there are diffrent levels of evilness too , or?! maybee it's better to call it nastieness or something else.
What I meant to having fun beeing evil is more something different: i.e. there are two people who have a problemwhich each other which is quiet stupid, but they are not able to solve it. You think "forget about and go one with it" but they can't, and than you do something ("evil") to make it worse and you have your fun
some kind of Schadenfreude
Welcome, AXR
Bluebottle Posted May 2, 2000
Yes, I admit you have a point that in several cases it isn't as simple as Innocent/Guilty as I suggested earlier. There are indeed different levels in a lot of things.
And yes, some cases are very amusing and silly - I agree that people who go to court over trivial and humourous instances and take it seriously should definately have a suitable punishment.
Welcome, AXR
AXR (empty) Posted May 3, 2000
I touGht about studyinG law once to become a real judGe but I found out that I'm to loGical for those laws today
Maybe I would hab been a good one 200 or more years ago ...
Welcome, AXR
Bluebottle Posted May 3, 2000
Maybe - believe me, Law isn't that logical or exciting. Have you seen some of the crazy laws that have been put up off of the Joke Directory at:
It just makes you think that the whole legal system has become one big joke.
Welcome, AXR
AXR (empty) Posted May 3, 2000
OH YES ... I read some of them, it's true sometimes you can think all is a joke, but isn't it !?!
I think you misunderstood me, I meant, that I'm to loGical, not the laws. I have some friends who are law students and I know what they have to do ... bad bad bad. But sometimes we have interesstinG discussions.
btw ... I'm studyinG enGineerinG now
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Welcome, AXR
- 1: Si (Mar 2, 2000)
- 2: AXR (empty) (Mar 3, 2000)
- 3: Bluebottle (Apr 10, 2000)
- 4: AXR (empty) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 5: Bluebottle (Apr 10, 2000)
- 6: AXR (empty) (Apr 10, 2000)
- 7: Bluebottle (Apr 10, 2000)
- 8: AXR (empty) (Apr 12, 2000)
- 9: Bluebottle (Apr 20, 2000)
- 10: AXR (empty) (May 2, 2000)
- 11: Bluebottle (May 2, 2000)
- 12: AXR (empty) (May 2, 2000)
- 13: Bluebottle (May 2, 2000)
- 14: AXR (empty) (May 2, 2000)
- 15: Bluebottle (May 2, 2000)
- 16: AXR (empty) (May 2, 2000)
- 17: Bluebottle (May 2, 2000)
- 18: AXR (empty) (May 3, 2000)
- 19: Bluebottle (May 3, 2000)
- 20: AXR (empty) (May 3, 2000)
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