This is the Message Centre for Alien


Post 1

The Cheese

I just have to know. What planet are you from?


Post 2


Mostly Tatooine... Sometimes I'm from Middle-Earth and sometimes even from here, Earth... It depens on which personality you're asking...


Post 3

The Cheese

If you're from Tatooine, could you please say, 'Hi,' to Jabba the Hutt for me the next time you're back at home? I've always wanted to meet him.


Post 4


Umm... I'd rather not... Last time I met him I lost my right hand... But luckily I managed to escape thanks to my great friends and have now a cyber-hand... Jabba isn't really a friend of mine... Oh well, if I ever happen to meet him again I promise I'll say him hi for you if I'm not too busy in killing him...


Post 5

The Cheese

Thank you very much. Your surname isn't Skywalker by any chance...


Post 6


Nope. I'm a jawa... smiley - smiley


Post 7

The Cheese

Oh...I didn't know Jawas spoke English!


Post 8


I'm a very educated one... smiley - smiley

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