This is the Message Centre for Alien

Nothing, really...

Post 1

Arnold, Friget, Dwiezel and Strilla

I just dropped by... Don't know what I'm doing here and why I'm writing in English?!?!?!?! Very good questions... Must sleep, must sleep... *grin* PP!!!


Post 2


To the friendly realm of h2g2!! I have no idea either why to write English but it seems to -- umm... -- kun kuuluu... There's going to be an ACE dropping by on your page as soon as they notice you've arrived but some words I could be saying... There are some good places on my page which I recommend visiting... Damogranista sen verran että oon esittäytyny siellä olevani "The Ambassador of Those Who Carry Shovels" että jos tahot myöntää olevas yks niistä niin voit keksii jonkun kivan titlen ite... Tai jos vaan oot M niin aivan sama... Nyt vaihtu suomeks... Change the language again... But there's nothing much to say... I'll have to be going to school... PP!!

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